Ahn RR, Miller LJ, Milberger S, et al. Prevalence of parents’ perceptions of sensory processing disorders among kindergarten children. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2004; 58(3): 287–293.
This article shares results of a parent survey indicating that approximately 5.3% of incoming kindergartners in one suburb’s schools met criteria for sensory processing issues based on parental perceptions – consistent with overall percentage estimates of children with sensory issues. Authors say the findings justify continued studies of SI disorders.
Cohn E. Parent perspectives of occupational therapy using a sensory integration approach. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2001; 55(3): 285-94.
Based on parent interviews, this study identifies abilities, activities, and reconstruction of self worth as the major benefits of occupational therapy using SI approaches for their children. Authors share parents’ feelings about being able to better support and advocate for their children as a result.
Cohn E, Miller LJ, Tickle-Degnen L. Parental hopes for therapy outcomes: children with sensory modulation disorders. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2000; 54(1): 36-43.
Because parents’ therapy goals for children are essential to family centered care, authors interviewed parents to discover that their goals included boosting their children’s social participation, self regulationand competence. Parents also hoped to learn strategies for supporting their children and feeling validated.
Cohn ES, Cermak SA. Including the family perspective in sensory integration outcomes research. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 1998; 52(7): 540–546.
Authors outline useful means for measuring intervention outcomes of children’s occupational therapy, including suggestions for potential research methods and assessments to ensure that family perspective are included in outcome studies.
Elbasan B, Kayıhan H, Duzgun I. Sensory integration and activities of daily living in children with developmental coordination disorder. Italian Journal of Pediatrics. 2012; 38(1):14-14.
Based on a study comparing children with or without developmental coordination disorders (DCD): Children with DCD were more challenged by comprehension, expression, social communication, problem solving and memory skills. SI therapy, including motor skill activities, can help build independence in the daily lives of children with DCD.
Jaegermann N, Klein PS . Enhancing mothers’ interactions with toddlers who have sensory‐processing disorders. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2010; 31(3): 291-311.
This study reinforces the assumption that quality caregiver interaction with children helps moderate potential negative effects of sensory processing issues. Mothers involved in the study’s Mediational Intervention for Sensitizing Caregivers group showed the most sensitive behavior, supported toddlers’ communication behavior, and used teaching behaviors most appropriately.
Lane AE, et al. Sensory processing subtypes in autism: Association with adaptive behavior. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2010; 40(1): 112-122.
Children with autism often have sensory related issues such as low sound tolerance and food preferences, high pain reaction, rocking, flapping hands and noisemaking. This sensory processing study supports sensory based intervention to address communication and behavioral difficulties.
Oliveira CB, Medeiros ÍR, Greters MG, Frota NA, Lucato LT, Scaff M, Conforto AB . Abnormal sensory integration affects balance control in hemiparetic patients within the first year after stroke. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2011; 66(12): 2043-8.
Based on a study of SI and related test scores of patients with hemiparesis (weakness on one side of body) who have suffered strokes, balance control is a significant challenge and an important factor for planning effective rehabilitation interventions.
Siaperas P, et al.. Atypical movement performance and sensory integration in Asperger’s syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2012; 42(5): 718-725.
Based on a study comparing boys with and without Asperger’s syndrome (AS), Children with AS have significant impairment of movement as well as proprioceptive and vestibular processing. Building understanding of motor and sensory impairment could have important AS treatment implications.