Showing Results for "sensory"
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Fun Activities for Mother’s Day

There are lots of fun things to do on Mother’s day with your little one that will make the day together more special. This day is all about mom, and your child is excited to spend the day with you, so make the most of it! Try a new craft, game, or family activity. You … Continued

Parents’ Guide to the 7 Senses

Most people are familiar with the five senses – sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. However, we also have two additional senses. Watch this video to learn about vestibular and proprioception, senses, and visit our Sensory page to learn more. Want to watch more videos about related topics? Click the buttons below! This video is … Continued

Parents’ Guide to Playtime

Play is more than just fun—it builds skills for a lifetime! Playtime can begin as soon as baby is born. What does one-month-old baby playtime look like? What are the best playtime activities? Visit our play page for more play tips for all ages! Want to watch more videos about related topics? Click the buttons below! … Continued

Why Are Mirrors Good for Baby?

Want a toy that will keep your baby entertained and that is also good for their development? Put your wallet away, because you probably already have this in your home: mirrors! Yes, that mirror hanging on your bathroom wall can help your baby’s development! Mirror play for babies has great benefits for social and emotional … Continued

Importance of Eye Contact

Baby’s vision development is very important and even affects their other senses. Throughout the first year, baby will be looking at you a ton, so be sure to look at them, give them a lot of attention, and make eye contact! Find out what you can expect in the coming months. For the First Few … Continued

Recognizing Early Motor Delays at Four and Six Months of Age

***EDUCATIONAL VIDEO**** Recognizing Early Motor Delays as Early as Four and Six Months of Age Learn why Tummy Time is important for baby and how to detect signs of an early motor delay at four and six months of age. Presentation includes videos and links to accompanying handouts. All materials including videos are provided at … Continued

Parents’ Guide to Baby’s Sense of Touch

Baby uses touch to explore the world around them. Just like you try to help your baby develop their sense of sight, you can also help them develop their sense of touch. You can even try baby massage, which helps with sensory development and bonding with baby through comforting contact. Want to watch more videos about related … Continued

How to Use Simple Activities to Help Baby’s Development

Even simple activities for baby can promote development! There are simple motor, communication, and sensory activities for baby at home that can help them reach important milestones. Encourage fine and gross motor, sensory, and communication development with these daily activities for baby: Giving baby a quick massage after changing a diaper Laying baby down near … Continued

How Moms and Dads Read Differently to Baby

When should you start reading to baby? Simple answer: It’s never too early to start. Read to your baby every day at any age to help their communication development, even if they aren’t talking yet. Why should parents read to their babies? So many reasons! Some of the benefits of reading to babies include helping … Continued

Cómo Ayuda la Terapia Ocupacional con los Problemas de Motricidad Sensorial

Recientemente, un grupo de los principales terapeutas ocupacionales se reunió para proporcionar respuestas a preguntas comunes sobre los problemas sensoriales de los niños pequeños. La terapia ocupacional es una profesión que se preocupa por la forma en que las personas realizan las actividades, y el término ocupación significa actividad, pero es el tipo de actividades … Continued

¿Tiene Mi Hijo Un Problema Sensorial?

Ver a sus hijos crecer y jugar es uno de los mayores placeres de la vida. Es emocionante ver cómo usan sus sentidos para decodificar el mundo que los rodea. Pero, en el caso de algunos niños, es posible que sus sentidos no puedan estar enviando correctamente la información al cerebro. Su comportamiento puede parecer … Continued

La Importancia de la Integración Sensorial

¿Sabes que hay más de cinco? Esto hace posible que aprendamos, juguemos, socialicemos y, en general, funcionemos en el mundo. Mucha gente conoce nuestros cinco sentidos… vista… oído… olfato… gusto… y tacto. Cada uno de estos sentidos nos trae información importante. Por ejemplo, el tacto nos ayuda a conocer la diferencia entre la sensación de … Continued

L’importanza dell’integrazione sensoriale – Italian

Capire i problemi sensoriali nei bambino Una serie video prodotta da Capire i sensi – Sai che sono più di cinque? L’Integrazione Sensoriale è il processo attraverso il quale i nostri sensi lavorano insieme. Gli individui utilizzano messaggi sensoriali per imparare, giocare e interagire con il mondo. La maggior parte della gente conosce solamente … Continued

Tummy Time: The Why’s and How’s

Why’s and How’s of Tummy Time presented by Dr. Anne Zachry and Linda Rooke, PT The webinar covers: The importance of Tummy Time Different Tummy Time positions How to make Tummy Time fun Tips for a fussy baby during Tummy Time and more! Tummy Time plays a significant role in helping babies meet their developmental milestones … Continued

Tummy Time Troubles

What do you do if baby hates Tummy Time? Or what if baby has trouble with Tummy Time after feeding? Don’t worry—many families experience Tummy Time troubles! If baby hate tummy time, it can take some practice and getting used to. Watch one mom, Jill, as she shares her story of Tummy Time with her two small … Continued

What You Need to Know About Screen Time for Kids

You’re sitting in a restaurant enjoying dinner when your child becomes fussy. Rather than make a scene, you hand over your phone, turn on a YouTube video, and before you know it your child is calm and entertained. Sound familiar? With the readily available cell phones, tablets, game devices, and more, screens are not only … Continued

What is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist?

“Occupational therapy? But my child doesn’t have a job!” Just as occupational therapy helps adults perform better at their jobs, a pediatric occupational therapist helps children succeed in important areas of their lives. This includes helping children build the skills required for essential daily activities such as brushing their teeth, writing their name, or playing … Continued

How Occupational Therapy Can Treat Children with Sleep Problems

Are your patients getting enough sleep? If your child is having sleep problems, considering occupational therapy for kids might be a good idea. Children regularly sleeping the number of recommended hours by the American Academy of Pediatrics is associated with better health, including: improved attention, behavior, learning, working memory, emotional regulation, quality of life, and … Continued

6 Tips to Make Diaper Changes Fun for Baby

Baby hates diaper changes? Does your baby cry, fuss, or even scream during diaper changes? You can help baby enjoy their diaper changes and make it into a sensory experience. Try these ways to help keep baby happy and having fun during diaper changes. Sing a Song and Encourage Face-to-Face Contact Favorites like “Twinkle Twinkle … Continued

How to Play with Your Newborn

Sometimes it’s hard to know how to play with newborn babies or what activities even count as play. Many parents and caregivers feel this way! The good news is there are lots of easy activities to do with your baby. In fact, you may have even done some already without even knowing it! Do Tummy … Continued

What to Know About Toe Walking

Toe walking can be a commonly observed movement pattern that many young children display during their development, however many children will give up idiopathic toe walking (ITW) without specific intervention. Research within the scientific community suggests that ITW is sometimes a causal symptom related to other conditions. Toe walking may be a symptom of a … Continued

Develop Your Child’s Senses by Playing with Food

Who ever thought it would be good to tell your child to actually play with food? But kids are curious, and a fun way to let them explore is through play with food! But this isn’t just for fun. Playing with food can actually help your child develop their senses. Try these ideas to explore … Continued

Make a Snow Globe to Promote Fine Motor Skills

Make a Snow Globe, Make a Memory, The Perfect Winter Project to Promote Fine Motor Skills DIY Crafts for kids are a great activity to help your little one show off their creativity and help develop their senses. Snow globes are great winter decorations and bonus: they’re fun to create! Making them even helps kids … Continued

5 Ways to Make Going to the Dentist Fun!

We know going to the dentist is important, but even adults can be uncomfortable during their annual dental checkup. If you’re uneasy, imagine how worried your little one might feel. Luckily, caregivers can help make their little one’s first few trips to the dentist positive! Get kids excited about the dentist early, and who knows? … Continued

Does Your Child Chew on Everything? 3 Common Questions Parents Ask

Why do kids chew? For babies, chewing is a typical sign they’re teething and young children (until around age 2) use their mouths to explore the world. But even some older kids develop a habit of chewing. This isn’t chewing a favorite food or little snack, but rather inedible objects (clothing, pens, toys) that comfort … Continued