FAQsWhat is play and why is it important?What is the difference between picky eaters and problem feeders?What do I need to know about the development of baby’s vision?What is Tummy Time and why is it important?What are the different ways you can do Tummy Time with baby?How can I help make diaper changing easier for me and baby?How can I make sure baby is sleeping safely?What do I need to know about talking and communicating with baby?What are the 7 senses and why are they important for baby?When do I start baby on solid foods?When do I start Tummy Time with baby?What age appropriate games/activities can I play with baby?What are hypertonia and hypotonia?What are augmentative and alternative communication?What is positional plagiocephaly?What is positional torticollis?What is early intervention?What is executive function?Is there a list of common child developmental terms?Do you offer Continuing Education?How do I order educational brochures/DVDs?What exactly does Pathways.org do?Where can I learn more about the Pathways.org Pediatric Clinic?How do I donate to help the Pathways.org mission?Where can I find educational brochures?What types of videos does Pathways.org have?What are some common questions about raising bilingual children?What is “TEAM Belong?”What are some common misconceptions about communication delays?What do I need to know about infant equipment?What types of therapy are available at the Pathways.org Pediatric Clinic?