Related abilities
Is interested in interacting with people (plays patty cake)
Raises hands to be picked up (13-18 months)
Maintains eye contact with people during playful interactions (13-18 months)
Turns head in response to name being called (13-18 months)
Points to objects of interest (13-18 months)
Is able to locate objects you are pointing to (13-18 months)
Claps hand together in response to social play
Enjoys playing with variety of toys and textures
Enjoys playing with new toys (13-18 months)
Enjoys banging and playing with musical toys
Eagerly explores the environment when placed on the floor
Enjoys being swung and gently thrown in air (13-18 months)
Enjoys exploring and playing at the playground
Enjoys swinging on playground swings (13-18 months)
Is frequently moving in and out of various positions (e.g. crawling, climbing, cruising, and walking) to explore and get desirable objects (13-18 months)
Maintains balance in sitting or standing while using two hands together to explore toys
Is able to turn head to look at objects without losing balance while standing
Is able to take steps toward motivating item
Crawls or walks to get desired item
Has adequate endurance and strength to play with peers (13-18 months)