7 Ways to Get Kids Excited For Back to School
Is it back to school time already?!
Even as an adult, the words “back to school” can bring about fear, anxiety, and dread. We often think of back to school as the end of the glorious days of summer, but in reality the majority of childhood is spent in school.
From socializing with friends, to problem-solving in class, school is crucial for the development of communication, executive function, and social-emotional skills. The first day can be hard, but there are some ways to get kids excited for the new school year! Try some of these ways to get you little one excited for back to school.
1. Pick Out School Supplies or Back to School Outfits Together
Does your child need a new notebook or backpack? Do they need to stock up on pencils or a ruler? No matter how big or small the item, bring your child along for back to school shopping. This includes shopping for back to school outfits! Let them pick out a color they like or a design that incorporates their favorite things. Then they can be excited to use their new supplies for the first day!
2. Decorate Their Locker, Cubbie, or Work Space
Does your child have their own space at school or at home to do homework? If so, make it special and personalized by decorating it with them. Use simple craft store supplies to make it their own. Make sure your child is included in the process, so they can pick out their favorites!
3. Establish a Morning and Evening Routine
School days run a lot smoother with a routine. Routines can help build executive function skills, and reduce anxiety because children know what to expect. Rather than starting a morning and evening routine on the first day of school, try getting in a routine 1-2 weeks before the new school year starts. Help your child look forward to different parts of the routine, so they can look forward to each school day and school night.
4. Set Up Playdates with Classmates
Everything is more fun with friends! If you know some of the children in your child’s class (possibly neighbors or in a social media group for the school), try setting up a playdate so your child can form friendships before the first day. Then they’ll look forward to school with their new friend!
☑️ Looking for playdate ideas for kids so they have something fun to do? Check out more than 130 activity ideas here!
5. Make the First Day Special
Whether it’s a new outfit, a morning photoshoot, a special breakfast or a note in their lunch, make the first day a holiday! Get children excited to celebrate the first day with fun little celebrations and things to make it feel special. They may just look forward to first day of school every year!
6. Make a School Year Calendar
A lot happens in the school year! Help your child print or draw a school year calendar, and mark down days they can look forward to. These can be things like their birthday and their friend’s birthdays, the 100th day of school, dress up holidays like Halloween, and holiday breaks. This not only helps them look forward to the school year, but also look about time and dates.
7. Show Them How Fun School Can Be
Whether it’s through reading activities or making a math a part of every day, show your child school and learning can be really fun! It’s natural to be nervous for the first day of school and that’s ok. But showing children what there is to love about learning and school can help them feel better about starting a new school year!