What should I watch for?

Motor Basic

Children outgrow many of the behaviors that can affect motor development. Some common ones to watch out for include:

For specific signs to watch for by age, check out our brochure on Baby’s physical development.

Milestones are sorted by age ranges, so Baby has until the end of the range to meet them (e.g. Baby should achieve a 0-3 month motor milestone by 3 months old). All of our milestones have 2-4 games from pediatric experts, specially designed to help Baby reach each milestone.

If Baby isn’t meeting their motor milestones or you suspect a motor delay, reach out to Baby’s healthcare provider. Early intervention is essential for addressing development issues and preventing further delays.

What is the Best Way to Track Baby Milestones on My Phone? Our App!

Use the FREE Pathways.org Baby Milestones app to track your little one's progress! Download the app and enter Baby's birthdate to see all the milestones and track their progress. You can watch videos of each milestone to be sure Baby has met it!