How can my child work on their motor skills?
As your child gets older, they naturally develop fine motor skills and gross motor skills through everyday activities and play! However, infants and toddlers may need extra stimulation to strengthen their muscles and practice important motor development milestones.
For Babies Under 6 Months
Daily Tummy Time is one of the best ways to strengthen Baby’s neck, shoulder, and core muscles, which are essential for reaching early motor development milestones like rolling over and sitting up. It’s also important to alternate the direction Baby sleeps in each night to support head control and neck strength and prevent positional plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome) and positional torticollis.
For Older Babies and Toddlers
Encourage physical activity and support motor development through fun, age-appropriate tasks and games that work their fine and gross motor skills. See our motor games below for some activity ideas!