What are all of the senses?

Sensory Basic

Most people think there are just 5 senses, but there are actually 7!  So what are the 7 senses?

  • Sight (Vision)

  • Hearing (Auditory)

  • Smell (Olfactory)

  • Taste (Gustatory)

  • Touch (Tactile)

  • Vestibular (Movement): the movement and balance sense, which gives us information about where our head and body are in space. Helps us stay upright when we sit, stand, and walk.

  • Proprioception (Body Position): the body awareness sense, which tells us where our body parts are relative to each other. It also gives us information about how much force to use, allowing us to do something like crack an egg while not crushing the egg in our hands.


Watch our Parents’ Guide to the 7 SENSES

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