Bath Safety for Babies and Kids


Splish-splash, it’s bath time! The bath can be a great place to play, work on sensory and motor skills, and even learn about the importance of staying clean! It can also be a key part of your little one’s routine. When it comes to bath safety, there are some extra steps to take. Because there’s water, soap, and hard surfaces involved, it’s important to follow bath safety guidelines as your littles scrub-a-dub and learn to develop a hygiene routine.

Whether Baby is using a baby tub or has graduated to a “big kid” tub, these safety tips will help you keep Baby safe while getting them squeaky clean!


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Start with a sponge bath.

In Baby’s first week or two after birth, it may be safest to give them a sponge bath. Sponge baths are recommended until the umbilical cord stump falls off and the belly button heals, which for some babies is up to 2 weeks.

After that, Baby is ready to use a baby tub or the sink.

Babies usually use these special baths for about 6 months, but that can differ depending on Baby’s size and abilities. Baby is not ready for an actual bathtub until they can sit up on their own and control their body while sitting up. Additionally, if Baby is smaller, they may not outgrow the baby bathtub for several more months—and that’s ok!

No matter if Baby is in the sink, a baby tub, or the bathtub, never leave a baby or child unattended.

For a newborn, you should always keep your hands on them. For a child that can sit independently in the tub, always be within arm’s reach.

Make sure the water is not too hot or cold.

Ideally, it will be around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Test the bath water before Baby gets in using your elbow or a bath thermometer to ensure it isn’t cold or scalding hot.


Cute little girl playing in a bathtub

Keep the water shallow.

For a baby, bath water should be shallow enough so that most of their body is out of the water. To keep Baby warm, you can drape a washcloth over Baby’s shoulders and back. Pour warm water over the washcloth every few minutes so it doesn’t get cold.

Keep the area slip-free and baby-proofed.

Use non-skid mats to prevent slipping, and always thoroughly wash off all soap and shampoo with water. Use a soft spout cover or a pool noodle to cover the tub spout, in case Baby bumps their head on it.

Only use a small amount of soap.

Soap is great for getting us clean! But too much makes things extra slippery. It can also dry out Baby’s skin. Just a small amount with some water can go a long way.

At the end of the bath, dry Baby off as thoroughly as possible.

This is not only good for their skin health but also makes them easier to handle! Drying can also be a calming sensory experience for Baby.

Create a “no running in the bathroom” rule.

If your children are old enough to walk and run, teach them to never run in the bathroom and the tub. It can be hard to tell where there may be water or soap on the ground, so it’s best to walk carefully!

Unplug all electrical appliances.

As children get older and can move around independently, you’ll want to make sure there is no chance of any electrical appliances getting wet or in the bathtub. It is recommended appliances remain unplugged when not in use, and if possible, are stored in a separate room.

Once you get the hang of bathing your little one, these guidelines will feel like second nature. Learn more about establishing a bath time routine.

Don’t forget to have fun in the bath, too! Check out these fun sensory activities that can be done in the bath.

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