Celebrating the Holidays from a Distance


The holidays are typically a time when families from near and far come together to celebrate. This year may look a little different, and you may be concerned about the impact this will have on your child. After all, many treasured childhood memories are made during the holidays! But you can still have fun and make holiday memories as a family this year.

Here are some ideas on how to celebrate the holidays together, even if you’re apart.

Still create a festive atmosphere

Just because it may be a different celebration doesn’t mean it should be any less festive! Put up decorations together, enjoy making classic family recipes together, and play festive music. This helps children still feel excited for holidays, and feel the love of their family during this time.

That said, if you child has an idea of something they want to do differently, let them try it out!

If your child has always wanted to wear pajamas all day on Christmas, or make pizza on Thanksgiving, this could be the year to mix things up! Make memories by doing something a little different, and maybe start a new holiday tradition.

Bring in family members virtually

Use video chats to see and talk to each other. Check out these other ways to bond with grandparents from a distance.


If you live close enough, drive by to celebrate together

Even a quick hello can make the day special. If you have gifts to give each other, you can exchange and open them in person!

Have a long distance cookie exchange

Have your child help you prepare baked goods for family members, and send them to each other. If shipping is too expensive, you can just exchange recipes! Send recipes to family members and make each other’s favorite holiday treats.

Bake cookies at home with your kids and make fun holiday memories

Create handmade decorations for relatives

Your creations can be just about anything—ornaments, drawings, decorated dreidels, festive garland, etc. By creating something handmade and sending it to family, relatives can have a piece of art from your child in their home for the whole holiday season! Find some winter craft ideas here.

Arts and crafts activities at home can make for great holiday memories

Use the time to give back

If you’re not planning a big holiday celebration, you can use the time over the holidays to give back. This helps your child learn about the importance of giving to others.

Remember that above all, the best holiday memories are made when your child feels the love and excitement of the season. So no matter what you do, show them you care and make memories that last a lifetime.


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