2, 4, 6 Month Motor – Course to Go

The “2, 4, 6 MONTH MOTOR – COURSE TO GO” is a complete educational course designed so that individuals around the world can teach groups about detecting early motor delays as early as 2 months of age.

The course is given away for FREE to individuals who plan to teach the course to others and who agree to give feedback on their use of the course.

The entire “2, 4, 6 Month Motor – Course to Go” is loaded on a USB silicone bracelet with PowerPoint presentations, scripts, videos, outlines, and handouts covering:

  • Information about Pathways.org

  • Examples of the benefit of early therapy

  • Importance of Tummy Time

  • Typical and atypical motor development at 2, 4, 6 months of age

  • Tips on how to encourage doctor/parent communication

Presenter and Attendee Survey

Individuals who receive the “Course to Go” must agree to provide feedback on their use of the materials.

Survey for Presenters of the Course

Survey for Attendees of the Course

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