Massage+ 30, 10, 5?
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Parents and Caregivers
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Massage+ 30, 10, 5 is an intervention using moderate touch massage to help improve the health and development of premature and full term infants. Through just 15 minutes of massage, rocking, and gentle talking, parents can improve infant development. Learn the step-by-step components of Massage+ 30, 10, 5 intervention through this self-paced, online baby massage course so you can immediately use these techniques.
Benefits of Massage+ 30, 10, 5:
Baby’s sleeping and eating habits
Parent confidence levels
Parent and child intimacy
Parent and child communication
Baby’s sense of hearing, touch, sight, and motion
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The course instructor is Rosemary White-Traut, PhD, RN, FAAN; Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago and Director, Nursing Research at UIC and Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, member of the Medical Roundtable.
Where’s the research?
This intervention was developed after 40+ years of research by Rosemary White-Traut, PhD, RN, FAAN and is also known by healthcare professionals as Audio, Tactile, Visual, Vestibular (ATVV) intervention. Places like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have granted millions of dollars in research funding over the years.
Massage+ 30, 10, 5 Additional Resources
Please Note: You will have access to the course for 90 days from the date of purchase. If you have any questions or concerns about your access please reach out to
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System requirements
A Broadband Internet connection
Web browser:
— Internet Explorer 8+
— Firefox 2+
— Safari on Mac 1.2+
— Google Chrome
Javascript and Cookies enabled
Mobile Devices:
Apple devices using Safari
Android devices using Chrome
While not a requirement the course is best viewed using a minimum screen resolution of 1024×768.
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