Baby Milestone Videos


Want to See Examples of Baby’s Developmental Milestones?

Welcoming a baby into the world brings a mix of excitement and challenges for parents. Watching your little one achieve developmental milestones is a special part of this journey. Instead of just reading about these milestones, watch these baby milestone videos featuring real babies in their own homes, hitting key milestones throughout their first year.

The videos are divided by age and cover different aspects of development, like early movements, exploring senses, communication, and feeding. Starting right from birth, you can see the adorable moments of newborns and follow their progress as they grow.

These videos are not just a guide; they’re a way for parents to connect and find reassurance. Seeing other babies reaching these milestones lets you compare and understand what to expect from your own little one. It’s a shared experience that brings joy to the entire parenting community.

The content in these videos explores the small but significant steps in your baby’s journey, from those first wobbly steps to the charming babbling that eventually turns into meaningful communication. The clips highlight the wonders of sensory development, capturing the joy and curiosity in your baby’s eyes as they explore different textures and experience the fun of feeding times.

The diverse settings of real homes and real babies make these videos relatable and heartwarming. It’s like having a friend share their parenting moments with you, making the entire experience more enjoyable.

In summary, these baby milestone videos are like a visual guide, helping parents navigate the exciting and sometimes challenging world of early childhood development. So, take a moment, enjoy these adorable clips, and celebrate the unique milestones in your baby’s first year.

Baby’s First Year Milestones Playlist

Watch Baby Milestone Videos: 

0-3 Month
Motor Milestones

0-3 Month
Sensory Milestones

0-3 Month
Communication Milestones

0-3 Month
Feeding Milestones

4-6 Month
Motor Milestones

4-6 Month
Sensory Milestones

4-6 Month Communication Milestones

4-6 Month
Feeding Milestones

7-9 Month
Motor Milestones

7-9 Month
Sensory Milestones

7-9 Month
Communication Milestones

7-9 Month
Feeding Milestones

10-12 Month
Motor Milestones

10-12 Month
Sensory Milestones

10-12 Month
Communication Milestones

10-12 Month
Feeding Milestones


See All Our Videos

What is the Best Way to Track Baby Milestones on My Phone? Our App!

Use the FREE Baby Milestones app to track your little one's progress! Download the app and enter Baby's birthdate to see all the milestones and track their progress. You can watch videos of each milestone to be sure Baby has met it!