Executive Function

Kids develop executive function skills through playtime, social interactions, and every day activities. Parents can facilitate the development of these skills using Pathways.org’sExecutive Function Brochure to engage their kids in activities that offer opportunities to practice and foster lifelong learning skills. Help your children improve their executive function skills by developing their ability to achieve goals, such as making cookies or finishing homework.
What's Inside?
- Helpful information on three key areas of executive function: working memory, self-control, and mental flexibility
- Activities to develop executive function skills, broken down by age: 6-12 months, 13-24 months, 2-3 years, 4-5 years, 5+ years
- Possible warning signs associated with executive function issues, such as “forgets rules easily” and “appears impulsive”
Executive Function skills help us organize information, manage time, act appropriately, and complete steps to reach a goal. With practice and a little help, all children can improve their executive functions.
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