Bumin G, Kayihan H.. Effectiveness of two different sensory integration programs for children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2001; 23(9): 394-399.
An investigation of approaches to sensory perceptual motor (SPM) training for children with spastic diplegic CP (abnormal leg and possible arm stiffness), this study determines it is effective for group and individual treatment.

Cooper J, Majnemer A, Rosenblatt B, Birnbaum R. The determination of sensory deficits in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Journal of Child Neurology. 1995; 10(4): 300-309.
Authors point out that treatment for children with CP tends to focus on motor deficits, with potential sensory deficits often overlooked. Study results show that significant bilateral sensory deficits were identified in hemiplegic children using a formal clinical sensory battery assessment. Recommendation: clinical sensory evaluation should be part of assessments of children with CP to maximize their functional potential.

Hoon AH, Stashinko EE, Nagaw LM, et al. Sensory and motor deficits in children with cerebral palsy born preterm correlate with diffusion tensor imaging abnormalities in thalamocortical pathways. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 2009; 51(9): 697-704.
Study results indicate that participants with CP born preterm had periventricular white matter injury. There was more severe injury in the posterior thalamic radiation pathways than in descending corticospinal tracts. Posterior thalamic radiation injury correlated with reduced contralateral touch threshold, proprioception, and motor severity.

Lesny I, Stehlik A, Tomasek J, Tomankova A, Havlicek I. Sensory disorders in cerebral palsy: Two-point discrimination. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 1993; 35(5): 402-405.
Study adds further evidence to authors’ previous observations that sensory issues are an integral part of the clinical picture of CP.

Nashner LM, Shumway-Cook A, Matin O. Stance posture control in select groups of children with cerebral palsy: Deficits in sensory organization and muscular coordination. Experimental Brain Research. 1983; 49(3): 393-409.
A majority of children with CP in this study displayed sensory, organizational, or muscular coordination dysfunctions. Results provided suggested methods for developing a more systematic understanding of movement control abnormalities.

Sanger TD, Kukke SN. Abnormalities of tactile sensory function in children with dystonic and diplegic cerebral palsy. Journal of Child Neurology. 2007; 22(3): 289-293.
Study results indicate that children with secondary dystonia and diplegia due to CP have deficits of tactile sensation similar to deficits seen in adults with focal dystonia. These results are the first to test the spatial discrimination threshold using Johnson, Van Boven, Phillips domes in children with CP.

Shamsiddini A. Comparison between the effect of neurodevelopmental treatment and sensory Integration therapy on gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology. 2010; 4(1): 31-38.
Based on this study of children with CP (half with diplegia, half with quadriplegia) neurodevelopmental treatment and sensory integration therapy can improve these gross motor functions: lying and rolling, sitting, crawling and kneeling, standing.

Wingert JR, Burton H, Sinclair RJ, Brunstrom JE, Damiano DL. Tactile sensory abilities in cerebral palsy: Deficits in roughness and object discrimination. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology.2008; 50(11): 832-838.
Children with CP and diplegia or hemiplegia in this study displayed mild motor deficits but demonstrated widespread tactile deficits.
