743 Results

Baby’s Changing Rib Cage: How to Support Your Preemie’s Growth

One area preemies—especially those who spent time in the NICU—may need support in is rib cage shaping. Like the rest of the body, the rib cage grows as babies develop. Initially, the rib cage ends high on the chest, but it gradually moves down and ends about halfway down the core (also known as the … Continued

6 Things to Know About Picky Eating

Learn about common phases, introducing new foods, and creating a positive eating environment to help your child expand their palate and help with picky eating. Picky eating is common among toddlers due to slower growth rates and developing food preferences. Introducing previously disliked foods multiple times can help. Food bridges and variety are effective strategies; … Continued

How to Spend Time in the NICU | Bonding Games When Sitting with Baby Private

Bonding with your baby begins right after they’re born, even in the NICU! It can happen in so many ways. Bonding helps baby feel safe, secure, and loved. It’s a process that can take time, but taking little steps every day, even when they’re in the NICU, can make a big difference. Here are some … Continued

Benefits & Tips of the Side Lying Position for Baby

Have you tried putting baby in the side lying position? This position, where you place baby on their side and support them to stay there, can be a great addition to Tummy Time. Learn more about the benefits of side lying! See the benefits of the side lying position for your baby’s development. Learn how … Continued

Should I Wake My Baby to Feed Them?

You may have heard the phrase “never wake a sleeping baby.” But depending on baby’s age, weight, and overall health, this isn’t always true! Baby may need to be woken up to feed in the early months. Learn more about if you should wake your baby to feed them. Should you wake your baby to … Continued

Baby Sleep Safety and Importance | Essential Tips for Baby Development

Sleep safety is very important for babies, and it’s as easy as A, B, C: Alone, Back, and Crib. A: Baby should always sleep ALONE. Parents and caregivers should never sleep in the same bed as baby. Nothing else should be in the crib; no blankets or loose bedding, bumpers, toys, or any other items. … Continued

What to Do with Baby in the NICU | Bond with and Calm Baby in Their Crib

Bonding with your baby begins right after they’re born, even in the NICU! It can happen in so many ways. Bonding helps baby feel safe, secure, and loved. It’s a process that can take time, but taking little steps every day, even when they’re in the NICU, can make a big difference. Here are some … Continued

What is Cluster Feeding: Reasons, Tips, and What to Expect

Cluster feeding occurs when feedings are bunched together closely. Instead of feeding every few hours, baby may want to nurse more frequently (every 30 mins to an hour). If you have a newborn, you know that they need to feed frequently in the early months. On average, a nursing baby will feed 8-12 times per … Continued

When Do Babies Start Wearing Shoes?

Learn why babies don’t need shoes until they walk. Discover the best footwear for pre-walkers and what to look for in baby’s first shoes. Babies don’t need shoes until they can walk. Barefoot is best for learning to walk. Socks or booties with non-skid soles are good for keeping feet warm and preventing slipping before … Continued

Summer Learning Activities for Kids of All Ages

It’s SUMMER! Time for children to enjoy a break from school, go to camp, and just enjoy the great outdoors! Have you heard of the “summer melt”? That’s a name for the learning loss that occurs when children don’t engage with what they’ve learned in the previous school year, and the information “melts” away. It’s … Continued

Raise a Reader! Ideas for Reading with Baby at Any Age

Whether your child is reading or not quite yet, books play an important role in their communication development and learning at any age! See these tips to reading with baby from 0-1 years old, as a toddler, and at school age. Reading with baby from birth to 1 year old Use Board Books Give baby … Continued

Infant Vision Development: Why are Baby’s Eyes Crossed?

Baby’s vision develops quite a bit in the early months! From the colors they can see to how their eyes move, infant vision development changes a lot in these early days. You may notice your infant’s eyes don’t always move together. In the first 2-4 months of baby’s life, their eyes may cross, wander, or … Continued

Try These Tips to Help Understand Your Talking Toddler

It’s so cute when your little one starts to talk! But as many parents know, it can be hard to understand what they’re saying. Toddler communication can be tricky! It’s typical that you’ll only be able to understand about 25% of what your little one says when they’re 1 year old, and that increases by … Continued

When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night? | A Guide to Baby’s Sleep in the First Year

When you have a new baby at home, you may have a lot of questions about their sleep schedule. When should they nap? How long should they sleep for? When will they sleep through the night? This guide to baby’s sleep covers many of these topics, including how to keep baby safe while they sleep, … Continued

When To Use Swaddles and Sleep Sacks

For newborns who are getting the hang of sleeping, swaddling or using a sleep sack or sleep suit can help baby feel calm and secure, which helps them fall asleep. While these can be helpful in the first few months after birth, it’s important to know when to stop swaddling, and how long you can … Continued

Do The “Sleep Switch” Every Night to Help Prevent Plagiocephaly

Whenever you lay baby down to sleep in their crib, there is one simple step you can take to help prevent two common conditions: positional plagiocephaly (flat spots on the head) and positional torticollis (tight neck muscles on one side). Here’s one of the easiest ways to help prevent plagiocephaly and torticollis in baby: Sleep … Continued

Follow These 3 Easy Tips to Ensure Safe Sleep for Infants and Babies

When you put baby in their crib at night, or for a nap, you want to make sure they’re safe. Promoting safe sleep for infants and babies is possible by following a few simple tips. Here are some best practices to ensure safe sleep for babies, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Safe … Continued

When Do Babies Hold Their Head Up?

If you’re doing Tummy Time, playing with, or just holding your newborn, you may notice in the early weeks that they have difficulty holding their head up on their own. After all, baby’s head is big in relation to the size of their body! It takes a lot of neck and body strength to hold … Continued

Is Baby Hungry? States of Alertness & Newborn Hunger Cues in the NICU

Every baby is different, and it can take time to understand what your newborn is trying to tell you. That’s why understanding the common states of alertness and baby’s hunger cues are important, especially in the NICU. Throughout the day, newborn babies move through various alert/waking states, and the amount of time they spend in … Continued

Is Baby Ready to Crawl? Here Are Common Signs of Crawling

Crawling is so important for baby’s development! Not only is it an important step in their motor development, but crawling also helps sensory development, executive function skills, play, and feeding. Is your baby close to crawling? Before they can get moving on their hands and knees, they’ll need to build strength in their core, arms, … Continued