284 Results

How Pathways.org Helps

For over 30 years Pathways.org has been a trusted resource for parents and healthcare professionals. Since 1985 we have provided free tools to maximize child development and help all children reach their full potential. Some of our parent-friendly resources include: Videos, including a Parent Guide series and milestone videos Baby Games Calendar, with weekly games … Continued

How Occupational Therapy Helps with Sensory Integration Issues

Download the accompanying handout. What is sensory integration? Sensory integration helps people “make sense” of the world around them. Sensory integration is the process of using our senses to take in and organize sensory information for success in everyday activities. What is occupational therapy? Many people think of occupational therapy as something that is only … Continued

How Moms and Dads Read Differently to Baby

When should you start reading to baby? Simple answer: It’s never too early to start. Read to your baby every day at any age to help their communication development, even if they aren’t talking yet. Why should parents read to their babies? So many reasons! Some of the benefits of reading to babies include helping … Continued

Helping Your Child Use Scissors

Sylvie’s mom was concerned about her ability to use scissors and was worried she was falling behind her peers in preschool. Watch to see how Sylvie’s ability to cut changed throughout her 10 months in occupational therapy. Before she was unable to cut along the lines, but by the time she graduated from OT, Sylvie … Continued

Help Us Help Families

Every child deserves to develop to their fullest potential. Every parent deserves to know how to maximize their child’s abilities. You can help! At Pathways.org we provide FREE developmental tools to parents, leading to better detection of delays and the earliest possible interventions. Help us, help families. And give them what they deserve: detection, intervention, … Continued

Early Intervention Pediatric Therapy: Freddy’s Story

Watch Freddy’s story of how early intervention and pediatric therapy helped the development of his motor skills.

Does My Child Have A Sensory Issue?

Sensory issues can be difficult to detect in your child. Being aware of all 7 senses can help know what to look for as you child develops especially their body position, coordination and balance. Parents in this video discuss what they noticed in their own children and the differences they have seen because of therapy. … Continued

Cómo Ayuda la Terapia Ocupacional con los Problemas de Motricidad Sensorial

Recientemente, un grupo de los principales terapeutas ocupacionales se reunió para proporcionar respuestas a preguntas comunes sobre los problemas sensoriales de los niños pequeños. La terapia ocupacional es una profesión que se preocupa por la forma en que las personas realizan las actividades, y el término ocupación significa actividad, pero es el tipo de actividades … Continued

Come la Terapia occupazionale può aiutare con le difficolta’ Senso-motorie – Italian

Capire i problemi sensoriali nei bambini piccoli:una serie video prodotta da pathways.org Come la Terapia occupazionale può aiutare con le difficolta’ Senso-motorie

Baby Bootcamp: How Tummy Time Helps

You know Tummy Time can help, but did you know it can make a difference in only a few days? Watch our Baby Bootcamp video to see before and after footage of the incredible difference Tummy Time activities can have on a child in just 5 days! The video follows a mother who noticed her 6 month … Continued

7 to 9 Month Sensory Milestones to Look For

By the time baby is 9 months old, baby should be reaching the following milestones: Enjoys a variety of movements – bouncing up and down, rocking back and forth Explores and examines an object using both hands and mouth Turns several pages of a chunky (board) book at once Experiments with the amount of force … Continued

7 to 9 Month Feeding Milestones to Look For

See the 6 different feeding milestones baby should be reaching by 9 months one. Each milestone has a clip so you can see the different feeding milestones for baby. Here are the feeding milestones your baby should be reaching by 9 months old: In a highchair, holds and drinks from a bottle Begins to eat … Continued

7 to 9 Month Communication Milestones to Look For

See the 8 different communication milestones baby should be reaching by 9 months old. Each milestone has a clip so you can see and hear the different communication milestones for baby. Here are the communication milestones your baby should be reaching by 9 months old: Uses increased variety of sounds and syllable combinations in babbling … Continued

7 to 9 Month Baby Motor Milestones to Look For

See the 9 different motor milestones baby should be reaching by 9 months old. There is a clip that goes along with each milestone so you can see the different motor milestones for baby. As always, our content is validated with American Academy of Pediatrics findings and reviewed by pediatric therapists. My 9 months, baby … Continued

6 Month Old Baby Typical and Atypical Development

Click here to download the handout to accompany this video. Supporting weight, turning head, rolling over on his own, and pivoting are all typical gross motor behaviors for a child 6 months old. These actions are shown in addition to atypical motor movements at this age to allow you to clearly see the differences in … Continued

4-6 Month Baby Communication Milestones to Look For

See the 6 different communication milestones baby should be reaching by 6 months. Each milestone has a clip so you can see and hear the different communication milestones for baby. See more milestones and videos for 4-6 months old. As always, all of our content is validated with American Academy of Pediatrics findings and reviewed … Continued

4 to 6 Month Baby – Sensory Milestones to Look For

Parents and caregivers should watch this video to see 6 sensory milestones baby should reach by the time they are 6 months old. The video contains 6 clips to show exactly what each one of the sensory milestones for 4-6 months old should look like. To see all of baby’s 4-6 months motor, communication, and … Continued

4 Month Old Baby Typical and Atypical Development

Click here to download the handout to accompany this video. In this video you will see specific gross motor movements and functions a 4 month old would typically be capable of. You will see the typical motor development of a 4 month old compared to atypical motor development in a child the same age to … Continued

2 Month Old Baby Typical and Atypical Development

Download the handout to accompany this video. The differences between typical and atypical development at 2 months are highlighted in this video. Looking at baby in multiple positions is helpful in the early detection of motor delays. Learn more about gross motor development and why Tummy Time is crucial for baby’s development. Watch this video to see the eight … Continued

10 to 12 Month Sensory Milestones to Look For

By the time baby is one year old, baby should be reaching the following milestones: Enjoys listening to songs Explores toys with fingers and mouth Crawls to or away from objects baby sees in the distance If you notice baby is not reaching any of these milestones talk to your pediatrician or healthcare provider.

10 to 12 Month Motor Milestones to Look For

See the 8 different motor milestones baby should be reaching by 12 months old. There is a clip of each milestone so you can see the different motor milestones for baby. To see more milestones and videos visit our 10-12 month page. As always, our content is validated with American Academy of Pediatrics findings and … Continued

10 to 12 Month Baby Feeding Milestones to Look For

See the 6 different feeding milestones baby should be reaching by 12 months old. There is a clip that goes along with each milestone so you can see the different feeding milestones for baby. To see more milestones and videos visit our 10 to 12 months age page. As always, our content is validated with … Continued

10 to 12 Month Baby Communication Milestones to Look For

See the 9 different communication milestones baby should be reaching by 10-12 months old. There is a clip that goes along with each milestone so you can see and hear the different communication milestones for baby. As always, our content is validated with American Academy of Pediatrics findings and reviewed by pediatric therapists. View all … Continued