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Tummy Time Abilities at 5 Months
Monitoring a baby’s progress during Tummy Time at 5 months involves recognizing specific developmental milestones and engaging in activities that support their continued growth. At this stage, infants typically begin to demonstrate increased strength and coordination, offering caregivers tangible signs of advancement. Tummy Time abilities at 5 months are marked by the baby’s ability to … Continued
Tummy Time at 4 Months
Ensuring that a baby continues to thrive during Tummy Time is a vital aspect of their developmental journey, particularly at the four-month mark when newfound abilities begin to emerge. At this stage, a baby is expected to lift their head a remarkable 90 degrees, maintaining a centered position with growing neck strength. Equally impressive, the … Continued
Tummy Time Abilities at 3 Months
How do you know baby is making progress during Tummy Time at 3 months? Use these abilities to ensure baby is continuing to develop though Tummy Time. Tummy Time abilities at 3 Months: Begins to put weight on arms, but elbows are behind their shoulders (at a 45 degree angle) Gains head control and is … Continued
Tummy Time at 2 Months
Ensuring your baby engages in Tummy Time at the 2-month mark is crucial for their overall development. At this stage, the goal is for your baby to spend at least one minute in Tummy Time several times a day without becoming upset, all while maintaining a happy disposition. It’s recommended to prioritize floor time for … Continued
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Sensory Activities!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! It’s a day of luck, leprechauns, and everything green. So why not celebrate through the senses? Did you know there are seven senses? Sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, vestibular (balance and movement), proprioception (body awareness) Learn more about them in the Parent’s Guide. Here are sensory experiences for each of the … Continued
5 Ways Cleaning Can Help Your Child’s Development
It’s spring, and for many that means time to clean! Cleaning habits, if developed early, will help your child to understand the importance of hygiene and sanitation. Cleaning doesn’t need to be an adults-only task; there can be many benefits to getting your child involved, too! So grab an extra set of supplies, and learn … Continued
Tummy Time at 1 Month
What age do you start Tummy Time? Right away! Tummy Time can begin as soon as baby gets home from the hospital. Many parents hear Tummy Time is important and know doing tummy time at 1 month helps baby build muscles and skills to meet their future motor milestones. But when baby is doing Tummy … Continued
Tummy Time for 2 Week Old Baby
What age do you start Tummy Time? Right away! Tummy Time for a 2 week old baby should be incorporated into a daily routine to help develop core muscles. Starting Tummy Time right away is recommended for optimal development. Even at just two weeks old, incorporating Tummy Time into the daily routine helps in building … Continued
Parents’ Guide to Screen Time for Kids
How much screen time should your kids be getting? While screens seem to be everywhere, and can play a important part in your child’s education and play time, there should be limits. Watch this video to learn about recommendations for screen time for kids, and how screen time can help with bonding Read more about … Continued
19-24 Meses Lista de Comprobación de Hitos Comunicación
Hacia los 21 Meses: Utiliza al menos 50 palabras Imita constantemente nuevas palabras Nombra objetos e imágenes Comprende pronombres simples (yo, tú, mi) Entiende nuevas palabras rápidamente Identifica 3-5 partes del cuerpo cuando se nombran Hacia los 24 Meses: Utiliza gestos y palabras en los juegos de simulación Comienza a utilizar frases de 2 palabras … Continued
19-24 Month Communication Milestones
See the communication milestones baby should be reaching by 2 years old. There is a clip of each milestone so you can see the different communication milestones for baby. By 21 Months: Uses at least 50 words Consistently imitates new words Names objects and pictures Understands simple pronouns (me, you, my) Identifies 3-5 body parts … Continued
Why Baby’s Sense of Smell is Important
What’s in a Scent? They say the nose knows. That couldn’t be truer for your newborn. Baby’s sense of smell is not just incredibly strong, but it helps them learn about people and places, and guides the development of their other senses. Their noses may be tiny (and adorable!), but they are quite powerful! Learn … Continued
Games for Your 26 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games
Household Hub-Bub: Use household items like squeeze toys or newspapers to make different noises for baby. Repeat sounds at different volumes and in different orders to keep them interested. Then give them the items and help them make sounds. Helps baby develop motor and listening skills. Floor Explorer: Create a safe place on the floor … Continued
Games for Your 25 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games
Sit Up Straight: Support baby’s back to help them sit up. Look at a book with baby in this position. Helps them strengthen muscles needed to sit up on his own. Make this more fun for baby by using funny noises while you read. Helps baby develop strength. Pureed Food: Try introducing new pureed foods … Continued
Everything You Need to Know About Car Seat Safety
Car Seat Safety Tips That May Surprise You Many parents know the car seat safety basics, but there’s so much involved in making sure your child is riding safely. Rear-facing car seats are not just for infants The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends having children ride in a rear-facing car seat until they reach the … Continued
Games for Your 24 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games
Winding Up: Play with toys that move. All curious babies love a jack in the box or a wind-up toy that makes repetitive movements. Helps baby develop visual skills. Break Out the Board Books: Baby loves the sound of your voice while you read and the colors and shapes in books. Mix it up by … Continued
Games for Your 23 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games
Taking the Spotlight: Baby should recognize familiar caregivers, try to get their attention, and engage with them. During calm moments, walk back and forth slowly past baby then smile and talk to baby if they try to get your attention. Helps baby learn to communicate with you by making sounds and using gestures. Sit On … Continued
Games for Your 22 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games
A Solid Move: Introduce Stage 1, smooth purees after you have breast or bottle fed baby. To help transition, end the meal with some more milk or formula after baby has tried some solids. (Consult baby’s healthcare provider about starting cereals and pureed foods.) Helps baby develop feeding skills. Swipe Away: Encourage baby to swipe … Continued
Super Delicious! Quick and Easy Purees Made With “Superfoods”
As your baby starts to eat more solids, you’re going to want to give them the most nutrient-packed foods possible; aka, superfoods for babies! Superfoods for babies are loaded with nutrients that promote development and are healthy and safe for kids. First, make sure that your baby is ready to start solids. Follow these best … Continued
Games for Your 21 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games
Smooth Tummy Ride: Place baby tummy down on a thick towel and grasp the corners. Slowly circle around the room, basing your movement on baby’s level of comfort. Do this activity on a soft surface, like carpet, free of toys and household items. (Make sure they can hold their head up.) Helps baby improve neck … Continued
Games for Your 20 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games
Body Massage: After a bath or during changing, gently massage baby from top of head to bottom of feet. Massages are good for all babies. Helps baby bond with you, use their sense of touch, and use their vision to focus on you. Noise Makers: Give baby toys that make noise. Baby is starting to … Continued
Why You Should Encourage Crawling — and How To Do It
Crawling is an important step in your baby’s movement. It helps your child develop strength, stability and coordination skills by using muscles on both sides of the body. It promotes sensory development, as they can see and hear new things, as well as feel new surfaces on their hands and knees. Parents should encourage crawling … Continued
Games for Your 19 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games
Lifting Up and Down: Try this form of exercise with baby. Lift baby up high above your head and bring them back down low. Helps baby develop their sense of balance and body position. Play Ball!: Find a ball designed for babies with different textures. Hand baby the ball and see what they do with … Continued
Games for Your 18 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games
On and Off: Show baby how to turn things on and off including, lights, water faucets, etc. Repeat “On!” or “Off!” each time. Try this with a flashlight too. Baby will enjoy watching the light move around the room. Helps baby learn new words and sets the foundation for understanding cause and effect. Rock and … Continued