743 Results

Games for Your 2 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Evolving Mobile: Every couple of weeks add or change the toys hanging from an overhead mobile or play mat to grab baby’s attention. Wiggling the toys can also help baby look at the new toys. When baby is able to sit up, take down the mobile due to safety risks. Helps baby develop vision by … Continued

Games for Your 1 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Tummy to Play: Always remember: back to sleep, tummy to play. Baby may not like being on their tummy at first because back and neck muscles are not very strong yet. Make Tummy Time part of baby’s daily routine starting with a few minutes at a time, a few times a day. Helps baby develop … Continued

How Our Milestone Guide Helps Baby

See how this real mom uses Baby’s First Year Milestone Guide to encourage her baby daughter’s development. The Milestone Guide includes milestones for 0-3 months, 4-6 months, 7-9 months, and 10-12 months. Plus, two games to help your baby meet each milestone. With additional tips about Tummy Time and more Baby’s First Year Milestone Guide … Continued

Parents’ Guide to Winter Weather Safety for Baby

When it gets cold outside, it’s important to keep baby safe and warm. Watch this video to see our 6 tips that every parent needs to know to help baby brave the cold. For even more information, check out our blog post on how to Help Baby Brave the Cold with 3 Easy Tips! Want … Continued

My Child’s Mindfulness: Keeping Them Positive and Focused

Why is everyone talking about mindfulness? Mindfulness for kids quickly becoming a popular activity that parents  to help children manage feelings of stress and anxiety. Have you tried it? What is mindfulness? The idea of being mindful is to be present and to focus on where you are and what you’re doing. You and your … Continued

13-18 Meses Lista de Comprobación de Hitos Comunicación

15 Meses: Usa de 5 a 10 palabras Imita palabras y ácciones simples Combina sonidos y gestos Cumple instrucciones simples de manera consistente Muestra interés en imágenes Puede identificar 1 o 2 partes del cuerpo cuando se nombran Comprende 50 palabras 18 Meses: Responde a preguntas Repite palabras que escuchó en las conversaciones Sigue produciendo … Continued

13-18 Meses Lista de Comprobación de Hitos Sensorial

Tiene un horario de sueño regular Ayuda a vestirse y a desvestirse Come una creciente variedad de alimentos Todos nuestros hitos están apoyados por hallazgos de la Academia Estadounidense de Pediatría. Utilice esta lista de verificación para seguir el desarrollo de su hijo. Si observa que su hijo no está cumpliendo con ninguno de sus … Continued

13-18 Meses Lista de Comprobación de Hitos Alimentación

Aumenta la variedad de alimentos comunes cortados en trozos grandes Sostiene una taza y bebe de ella Todos nuestros hitos están apoyados por hallazgos de la Academia Estadounidense de Pediatría. Utilice esta lista de verificación para seguir el desarrollo de su hijo. Si observa que su hijo no está cumpliendo con ninguno de sus hitos, … Continued

13-18 Meses Lista de Comprobación de Hitos Motor

Camina independientemente y raras veces se cae Se pone en cuclillas para recoger un juguete Apila dos objetos o bloques Todos nuestros hitos están apoyados por hallazgos de la Academia Estadounidense de Pediatría. Utilice esta lista de verificación para seguir el desarrollo de su hijo. Si observa que su hijo no está cumpliendo con ninguno … Continued

13-18 Month Old Communication Milestones

See the 13 communication milestones baby should be reaching by 18 months old. There is a clip of each milestone so you can see the different communication milestones for baby. By 15 Months: • May use 5-10 words • Combines sounds and gestures • Imitates simple words and actions • Consistently follows simple directions • … Continued

13-18 Month Old Feeding Milestones

See the 2 feeding milestones baby should be reaching by 18 months old. There is a clip of each milestone so you can see the different feeding milestones for baby. Baby is fully walking and exploring everything at this age, including food! They should be able to eat most of the same foods as adults … Continued

13-18 Month Old Sensory Milestones

See the 3 sensory milestones baby should be reaching by 18 months old. There is a clip of each milestone so you can see the different sensory milestones for baby. Baby’s 18 month sensory milestones include: • Helps with getting dressed/undressed • Has a regular sleep schedule • Eats an increasing variety of foods The … Continued

13-18 Month Old Motor Milestones

See the 3 motor milestones baby should be reaching by 18 months old. There is a clip of each milestone so you can see the different motor milestones for baby. Baby’s 18 month motor milestones include: • Walks independently and seldom falls • Squats to pick up a toy • Stacks two objects or blocks … Continued

Music to Their Ears: How Music Therapy Benefits Premature Babies in the NICU

Happy? Sad? Angry? Music often brings about many different types of reactions from babies to adults. For premature babies, music therapy has been beneficial in helping to reduce stress and pain, which is often linked to medical treatment in the neonatal intensive unit (NICU). What is Music Therapy? Music therapy is a music intervention commonly … Continued

Parents’ Guide to Working Out with Baby

Get a move on—together! Working out together can be a great way to bond and exercise motor skills. Watch this video to see some great ways to get moving with your baby. You can also read more about exercising together in the blog post 8 Fun Way to Workout with Your Baby. Want to watch … Continued

What is a Pediatric Physical Therapist?

“Isn’t physical therapy just for athletes and adults in recovery?” Nope! A pediatric physical therapist can help with early child development. Sometimes, children and even babies need physical therapy, too. You might not give a second thought to walking up the stairs or picking up a drink. But for a child with an injury or … Continued

Early Educator Guide to Tummy Time

What more Tummy Time info? This course is here to help! Perfect for all early childhood educators and caregivers who work with children under 6 months old.

Pathways Global Reach

Pathways.org reaches parents and health providers across the globe and impacts the lives of countless children. With videos, brochures, checklists and more, we want to help all children across the globe reach their full potential. How we reach our global audience: Our brochures are available in over 17 languages We break down language barriers through … Continued

Meeting Milestones – Helping Baby Roll

Help baby meet their 6 month motor milestone of rolling over. Watch this licensed pediatric physical therapist give mom tips to encourage her baby to roll over. “A great source to get the right information about babies’ development. I’ve been doing the recommended activities for my baby and she’s mastered rolling both ways at 4 … Continued

Recognizing Early Motor Delays at 2, 4, 6 Months of Age and Importance of Tummy Time

This course will teach positioning techniques to identify early motor delays movement at 2, 4 and 6 months of age along with possible outcomes associated with lack of Tummy Time.

Meeting Milestones – How to Get Baby to Sit

Help baby meeting their 7-9 month motor milestone of sitting without support. Try these activities to encourage independent sitting. Activity at 0-3 Months: When holding baby on your lap, position their bottom so it’s pushed back. Slowly rock baby. This helps baby learn to properly sit with their upper body in line with their base. … Continued

Benefits of Water Play for Children

Splish, splash! Water play time! Summer is the perfect time to explore, and there’s nothing more fun than spending time in water. No matter if it’s in the ocean, lake, creek, community pool, or tub in the backyard, playing in the water may help children grow and develop in these essential ways: Balance and Strength … Continued