726 Results

Speech and Language Brochure

As baby’s most important teacher in their early years, parents can help develop their child’s communication skills by providing quality interactions through talking, playing, and reading. Pathways.org’s Speech and Language Development Brochure encourages healthy language development by giving parents a convenient way to track their child’s communication milestones. What’s Inside? Checklist for speech/language milestones and … Continued

Sensory Brochure

Sensory integration happens when the brain uses information obtained from the seven senses (yes, seven!) to “make sense” of the world, by organizing how information is received and responding to it. It’s a crucial exercise that helps to further a child’s development, and now parents and educators can use Pathways.org’s Sensory Integration/Processing Brochure to better … Continued

Executive Function Brochure

Kids develop executive function skills through playtime, social interactions, and every day activities. Parents can facilitate the development of these skills using Pathways.org’s Executive Function Brochure to engage their kids in activities that offer opportunities to practice and foster lifelong learning skills. Help your children improve their executive function skills by developing their ability to … Continued

Social-Emotional Brochure

Social-emotional skills allow children to express themselves appropriately in different environments and around other people. Modeling a positive and healthy relationship in the early years helps to develop a child’s trust and confidence. Learn how to improve a child’s social-emotional skills by using Pathways.org’s Social-Emotional Brochure to help children succeed in life. What’s Inside? Checklist … Continued

Play Brochure

Make the most of playtime! Pathways.org’s Play Brochure covers a range of play-based topics that can be used to help develop a child’s life skills. Play allows children to engage early on with those around them, to develop new skills that promote creativity and independence. It also helps children learn how to problem solve, socialize, … Continued

Activities for Baby Using Everyday Household Items

A huge part of baby’s development is learning through play. Helping baby’s development does not require playing with expensive or complex toys. Here are some activities for baby to help them meet milestones. Everyday objects can be used to entertain baby and build their motor, sensory and communication skills. Using items with a variety of … Continued

Act Like An Animal, 13 Moves to Help Your Child’s Gross Motor Development

Bring the zoo to you! No, we don’t mean you should adopt dozens of wild animals. Instead you can use animals to practice gross motor skills at home. This is great for little ones to use their imaginations and pretend to be animals they have seen in books or even at the zoo. These activities … Continued

What Are Hypertonia and Hypotonia?

Hypertonia and Hypotonia are two technical terms to describe issues with muscle tone. Muscles are meant to stretch with our bodies to accomplish everyday tasks. Imagine your muscles are like a rubber band, and when you stretch to touch your toes or pick something up, you’re increasing the tension on the band. Most people experience … Continued

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is made up of recognized and respected leaders in the business and civic community. Their dedicated counsel provides guidance, insight, and accountability as we strive to assure the best for all babies’ development. Chair Shirley Welsh Ryan Shirley Welsh Ryan’s work to advance the young brain’s innovative capacity to learn movement, … Continued

Medical Roundtable

Pathways.org activities are based upon the expertise of the Pathways.org Medical Roundtable, comprised of leading physicians, therapists, clinicians, nurse practitioners, and lay advisors. They are sensitive to the medical and emotional needs of infants, children, and their families.

4 to 6 Month Baby – Motor Milestones to Look For

The 4-6 months motor milestones video provides parents and caregivers 6 examples of motor milestones baby should reach by 6 months old. Each video clip shows how baby should be moving and what parents and caregivers should watch for. By 6 months, baby is becoming stronger. They can support them self while sitting to look … Continued

0 to 3 Month Baby – Sensory Milestones to Look For

Parents and caregivers should watch this video to see five sensory milestones baby should reach by the time they are 3 months old. The video contains 5 clips to show exactly what each one of the sensory milestones for 0-3 months old should look like. During the first three months of life, a baby grows at … Continued

0 to 3 Month Baby – Motor Milestones to Look For

The 0-3 month motor milestones video shows parents and caregivers 5 examples of motor milestones baby should reach by 3 months old. Each video clip shows how baby should be moving and what parents and caregivers should watch for. Early motor delays can be detected by 3 months of age and the motor milestones video … Continued

Interested in Joining Our Team?

We’re Looking For New Team Members! If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, the ability to think outside the box, and a strong desire to help babies reach their full potential, Pathways.org might be the place for you.

Pathways.org Academy

The more you know, the better they grow Pathways.org Academy offers educational resources for parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to support the growth and development of children. We offer on-demand courses, webinars, and more to help keep children on track and catch potential delays early. As a professor of biomedical engineering, I have a deep … Continued

Gen Content Image

Do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. … Continued

Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY Thank you for visiting www.pathways.org, www.pathwaysawareness.org, www.pathwayscenter.org, www.inclusioninworship.org, or www.team-w.org. Pathways Foundation (“Pathways.org”), which includes Pathways Awareness, Pathways Center, Pathways Inclusion in Worship, and TEAM W respects the privacy of online visitors and donors. This Privacy Policy explains our collection and treatment of any personal information you may provide to us through this … Continued

Feeding Brochure

What can baby eat? Pathways.org’s Feeding Brochure will guide parents and caregivers through all of baby’s feeding milestones by providing recommendations on what baby should eat or drink. These foods help to support baby’s growth and development by providing the appropriate nutrition for their age and ability. What’s Inside? Checklist of feeding milestones, appropriate foods, … Continued

Tummy Time Brochure

Strengthen baby’s muscles with Tummy Time! Pathways.org’s Tummy Time Brochure is a simple guide parents and healthcare providers can use to understand and safely implement Tummy Time. Help baby build the muscles they will use to hit important milestones, from rolling to sitting and crawling. What’s Inside? Checklist of developmental milestones baby should reach at … Continued

Assure the Best Brochure

“A concise, parent-friendly guide.” -Healthcare professional Need a simple and reliable way to track your child’s development? Get the Assure the Best brochure! Created with the Pathways.org Medical Roundtable and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians, and Pediatric Section of the American Physical … Continued