284 Results

The Benefits of Massage+ 30, 10, 5

Massage+ 30, 10, 5 is a simple, quick, and powerful baby massage based on 40+ years of research for premature and full-term babies. It helps to improve baby’s health and development.  Massage+ 30, 10, 5 is a massage of baby’s head, arms, legs, belly, and back, and also incorporates communication and movement. Massage+ is proven … Continued

Important Sensory Milestones: Baby’s First Year Part 1

How do baby’s sensory skills develop over their first year? Here are a few of baby’s sensory milestones from 0-12 months, validated by American Academy of Pediatric findings! 0-3 Months: Baby is able to calm with rocking, touching, and gentle sounds They will visually track a moving toy from side to side while lying on … Continued

How to Support Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy eating is important and getting babies to eat nutritious foods can sometimes be challenging! If your little one is pushing away the bananas and broccoli, try these tips to help them build healthy eating habits. Read the full article here! Help baby make smarter eating decisions in the future! Here are some ways to … Continued

Important Motor Milestones: Baby’s First Year (Part 2)

How do baby’s motor skills develop over their first year? Here are a few of baby’s motor milestones from 0-12 months, validated by American Academy of Pediatrics Findings. 0-3 Months Baby moves legs and arms off of surface when excited7-9 Months: Baby moves from tummy or back into sitting 4-6 Months While standing with support, … Continued

Important Feeding Milestones: Baby’s First Year Part 1

How do baby’s feeding skills develop over their first year? Here are a few of baby’s feeding milestones from 0-12 months, validated by American Academy of Pediatrics findings! 0-3 Months: Baby latches onto nipple or bottle for feeding and their tongue moves forward and back to suck They will drink 2-6 ounces of liquid per … Continued

Important Communication Milestones: Baby’s First Year

How does baby’s communication develop over their first year? Here are a few of baby’s communication milestones from 0-12 months! 0-3 Months Baby will smile and turn their head in response to sounds or voices They make eye contact and cry differently for different needs 4-6 Months Baby will listen and respond when spoken to … Continued

Important Motor Milestones: Baby’s First Year (Part 1)

How do baby’s motor skills develop over their first year? Here are a few of baby’s motor milestones from 0-12 months! 0-3 Months While lying on tummy, baby can push up on their arms and lift and hold their head up Baby will also be able to bring hands to mouth and move fists from … Continued

0-3 Meses Lista de Comprobación de Hitos Motor

Mientras está acostado boca abajo, se levanta con los brazos Mientras está acostado boca abajo, levanta la cabeza y la sostiene Capaz de abrir el puño cerrado -Puede llevarse las manos a la boca Mueve las piernas y los brazos levantándolos de la superficie cuando se emociona Todos nuestros hitos están apoyados por hallazgos de … Continued

Important Fine Motor Skills for Baby: The Pincer Grasp

Has baby learned to use the pincer grasp yet? It’s a simple movement, but a huge step forward for baby’s fine motor skills! The pincer grasp is where baby brings thumb and index finger together to pinch and grasp. Before baby can use a pincer grasp, they try to grab with their whole hand. Baby … Continued

Why Does Baby Babble?

By the time baby is 4-6 months, they should be babbling. It’s a milestone! The sound baby makes before they say their first words is known as babbling It should seem like they have a lot to say – but you can’t understand any of it! Babbling lets baby get used to using their mouth, … Continued

How to Help Baby When They Fall

When baby is learning to move, it’s common (and expected) for them to lose their balance. This can be scary when that happens! It’s common for babies to fall when learning to roll, crawl, walk, or stand So what should parents do when baby falls? Here are a few steps to follow when baby falls: … Continued

Tips to Start Reading Books to Baby

Start reading to baby as early as possible! Whether it’s picture books or story books, reading helps build baby’s vocabulary from the time they’re born. Even just looking at pictures helps development. Be sure to point to different objects as you read them. Don’t forget: Baby turning the page is a 7-9 month milestone! When … Continued

What Are the 6 Stages of Play?

Did you know there are 6 stages of play? Unoccupied Play: 0-3 Months Solitary Play: 0-2 Years Onlooker Play: 2 Years Parallel Play: 2+ Years Associate Play: 3-4 Years Cooperative Play: 4+ Years All the stages involve exploring, being creative and having fun. Unoccupied Play: 0-3 Months Makes a lot of movement with their arms, … Continued

Expressive and Receptive Communication for Baby

Before they say their first words, babies are developing language skills. Language is made up of two parts: expressive & receptive skills Expressive skills are baby’s ability to express their wants and needs – typically through crying and cooing Receptive skills are baby’s ability to understand language – understanding what is said or heard Both … Continued

Get Your Toddler Talking — Tips From a Speech-Language Pathologist

Tips to Help Your Child Talk From a Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist Expressive language: sending a message Receptive language: understanding a message When Playing at Home: Have your child request items Describe what you and your child are doing Have your child ask and answer questions How Can I Work on Expressive Language Skills at Home? … Continued

Having Tummy Time Trouble? This Therapist Has Some Tips

Tips for Shoulder Carry: Lean baby forward on a slant so weight is on tummy. Hold under baby’s bottom. Make sure baby’s bottom isn’t tucked under. Tips for Leaning Back: Rock baby side to side & keep them moving Take baby out of the position before they get too mad Talk in a positive and … Continued

Signs Your Baby is Ready to Crawl

It’s time to get moving! Recognizing these signs is crucial to understanding if your baby is ready to crawl. Pay attention to these developmental milestones as your little one embarks on their exciting journey of mobility. Signs baby is ready to crawl may manifest in various ways, from pushing up to hands and knees rocking—observe … Continued

Tips for Dad to Bond with Baby

Bonding with baby means a lot. It’s important for new parents and can be done in simple ways. Let’s look at some of the ways Dad connects with baby! Tummy Time – get on the floor and play with baby during Tummy Time Massage+ 30, 10, 5 – this baby massage can help Spending time … Continued

The Importance of Crawling for Baby

Crawling is an important motor milestone. But it can actually help other areas of development, too! Watch to learn why baby crawling is such an important step. Read along with the video below! Crawling is an important gross motor skill, but did you know that crawling helps other areas of development too? Sensory Crawling on … Continued

What to Do If You Suspect A Delay

Read along with the video below: Every child develops a little differently. Sometimes children just need a little more time than others. Sometimes healthcare providers tell parents to “wait and see” how they develop, which can be frustrating for parents who are concerned. If you are still concerned, here’s what you can do: Trust your instincts! There’s … Continued

Do Twins Meet Milestones At The Same Time?

Read along with the video below: Should twins meet milestones at the same time? It’s natural to compare twins sometimes. You’ll notice what they like to eat, how they play, and how they sleep. Of course there will be differences. They’re different kids! So even though they’re being raised in the same environment no two … Continued

Tips to Make Tummy Time Easier

Read along with the video below: You can begin Tummy Time soon after baby is born. Start with a few minutes, working up to an hour a day, in spurts, by 3 months of age. Link Tummy Time with familiar activities such as diapering, bathing, or even playing. When your baby is happy, fed, and … Continued

Using a High Chair

Baby should start using a high chair when they’re sitting up supported and starting solids. Typically this is around 6 months old. There are a ton of high chair options. Here are some things to consider when choosing one: How easily you can place baby in it/lift it out How secure baby is in the … Continued

Best Toys for Babies

There are so many toys out there! It’s hard to know which are best for baby’s development. Here are some toy recommendations for baby’s first year: For Tummy Time: mirrors, rattles, and play gyms For fine motor skills: stacking cups, balls, and plastic link toys For encouraging standing: activity tables For bath time: plastic cups … Continued

Best Toys for Toddlers

Play is essential for learning! So what toys are best for your toddler’s playtime? Toys that imitate real life – kitchen/food play set, doll houses, and animal farm sets Push and pull toys – carts, wagons, and toy lawn mowers Balls – made from soft or lightweight rubber, medium to large sized (golf ball size … Continued