725 Results

What Is a “Lovey?”

Whether it’s a stuffed animal, doll, or blanket, many children will become attached to certain objects. Sometimes these objects are called “loveys”, transitional objects, or comfort objects. Loveys can serve several purposes with your little one; they can help children transition from a familiar place or situation to an unfamiliar one with ease and give … Continued

La Importancia de la Integración Sensorial

¿Sabes que hay más de cinco? Esto hace posible que aprendamos, juguemos, socialicemos y, en general, funcionemos en el mundo. Mucha gente conoce nuestros cinco sentidos… vista… oído… olfato… gusto… y tacto. Cada uno de estos sentidos nos trae información importante. Por ejemplo, el tacto nos ayuda a conocer la diferencia entre la sensación de … Continued

Sensory Issues in Children: Developing Your Child’s Senses

Watch for information on the sensory issues in children, the importance of the 7 senses, activities that support sensory integration development, and answers to questions about sensory processing in children. Webinar hosts: Susanne Smith Roley OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational … Continued

Sensory Integration: Meet Ryder

Download the accompanying handout. Our sensory integration video features a young boy, Ryder. Ryder’s journey begins with his parents noticing his struggles during Tummy Time, his difficulty playing in a group, and how easily he would become tired when attempting tasks his peers had mastered. Through sensory integration therapy, his social participation has increased. Because … Continued