769 Results

10 to 12 Month Baby Feeding Milestones to Look For

See the 6 different feeding milestones baby should be reaching by 12 months old. There is a clip that goes along with each milestone so you can see the different feeding milestones for baby. To see more milestones and videos visit our 10 to 12 months age page. As always, our content is validated with … Continued

10 to 12 Month Baby Communication Milestones to Look For

See the 9 different communication milestones baby should be reaching by 10-12 months old. There is a clip that goes along with each milestone so you can see and hear the different communication milestones for baby. As always, our content is validated with American Academy of Pediatrics findings and reviewed by pediatric therapists. View all … Continued

¿Tiene Mi Hijo Un Problema Sensorial?

Ver a sus hijos crecer y jugar es uno de los mayores placeres de la vida. Es emocionante ver cómo usan sus sentidos para decodificar el mundo que los rodea. Pero, en el caso de algunos niños, es posible que sus sentidos no puedan estar enviando correctamente la información al cerebro. Su comportamiento puede parecer … Continued

¿Está bien mi bebé? (Spanish: Is my baby ok?)

¿Está bien mi bebé? Vean este simpatico video para la familia demonstrando desarrollos tipicos y a tipicos de dos bebés de seis meses. Spanish version of parent friendly video showing typical and atypical development of two 6 month old babies.