769 Results

Talking to Your Child About Winning and Losing

Life with all its ups and downs and everything in-between can sometimes feel like a roller coaster. Being able to deal with the ride is a skill that takes time to learn. So how do you help young children understand that it’s okay if things don’t always go as planned? Teaching them ways to accept … Continued

10-12 Meses Lista de Comprobación de Hitos Alimentación

Come solo con los dedos Come una creciente variedad de alimentos Empieza a usar una taza abierta Listo para probar verduras cocinadas hasta estar suaves, frutas, y aperitivos (plántanos cortados en cubitos, pasta cocida) Puede estar listo para comenzar a comer sin ayuda Encanta variedades de olores y sabores Todos nuestros hitos están apoyados por … Continued

10-12 Meses Lista de Comprobación de Hitos Comunicación

Usa “mama” o “dada” dándoles significado Imita sonidos del habla El balbuceo tiene sonidos y ritmos del habla Responde a “no” Responde a instrucciones simples, p.ej. “ven aqui” Presta atención a donde usted esté mirando y señalando Produce largas cadenas de balbuceo en la comunicacaión social Dice una o dos palabras Comienza a usar movimientos … Continued

10-12 Meses Lista de Comprobación de Hitos Sensorial

Disfruta escuchar canciones Explora los juguetes con las manos, dedos y boca Se aleja o acerca gateando de los objetos que ve en la distancia Todos nuestros hitos están apoyados por hallazgos de la Academia Estadounidense de Pediatría. Utilice esta lista de verificación para seguir el desarrollo de su hijo. Si observa que su hijo … Continued

10-12 Meses Lista de Comprobación de Hitos Motor

Suelta objetos en un recipiente de boca amplia Usa el dedo pulgar y el dedo índice para recoger objetos pequeños Se para solo y da varios pasos independientes Tira de sí mismo para pararse y camina apoyado en los muebles Mueve solamente en varias posiciones para explorar el entorno para encontrar los juguetes que desea … Continued

Does Your Child Chew on Everything? 3 Common Questions Parents Ask

Why do kids chew? For babies, chewing is a typical sign they’re teething and young children (until around age 2) use their mouths to explore the world. But even some older kids develop a habit of chewing. This isn’t chewing a favorite food or little snack, but rather inedible objects (clothing, pens, toys) that comfort … Continued

4 Exercise Benefits Other Than Fitness

The physical benefits of exercise go without saying, but did you know that physical activity provides kids with social and emotional benefits too? Through exercise, kids can build social skills, increase confidence, and help reduce anxiety. The American Academy of Pediatrics even recommends at least 60 minutes of physical activity (e.g. biking, hiking, dancing, rollerblading) … Continued

Real Ways Moms Get Kids to Eat Their Veggies

Ever wondered how moms really get their kids to eat their veggies? We asked several moms what they do to make sure kids eat their veggies are a part of their kids’ diets every day. We hope you’ll try some of these real life solutions during your next meal or snack time! This mom of … Continued

5 Tips for Running Errands with Kids

Running errands is very different when kids are involved! Taking your child with to you to run errands can be a bit challenging. From taking extra time getting them ready to leave the house to managing distractions in the store, shopping with little ones can add more stress to your trip. Next time you’re running … Continued

Baby Milestone Videos

Want to See Examples of Baby’s Developmental Milestones? Welcoming a baby into the world brings a mix of excitement and challenges for parents. Watching your little one achieve developmental milestones is a special part of this journey. Instead of just reading about these milestones, watch these baby milestone videos featuring real babies in their own … Continued

Research: Benefit of Early Detection and Early Intervention

Bailey DB Jr, Hebbeler K, Spiker D, Scarborough A, Mallik S, Nelson L. Thirty-six-month outcomes for families of children who have disabilities and participated in early intervention. Pediatrics. 2005; 116(6): 1346-52. This study assessed family outcomes at the end of early intervention (near the child’s third birthday). Results suggest that early intervention provides important supports for families … Continued

How to Make Ice Cream at Home

Is anything better than ice cream on a warm summer day? We don’t think so.. And good news, it’s actually pretty easy to make your own ice cream. Try this recipe out and help your kids learn too! Follow this simple recipe to make homemade ice cream in a bag! This activity is as tasty … Continued

7 Tips for a Sensory Friendly 4th of July

Spending time outside, parades, barbeques, fireworks. Doesn’t that remind you of a perfect 4th of July? Well for some kids, the 4th of July means being overly hot, crowds of people, feeling overwhelmed, and loud noises… That’s a lot for your senses to take in. Use these tips to make the holiday a little less … Continued

How to Encourage Kids to be Physically Active

Did you know that the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that children be active for sixty minutes every day? Kids need at least that much time to let loose and unwind from school or planned activities. Encourage kids to be physically active can help to stimulate their senses, and build muscle strength and endurance. … Continued

Get Kids Excited to Become Big Brothers and Big Sisters

Helping the youngest members of the family prepare for the arrival of a new baby is very important. After all, your child is about to become a big brother or big sister – that’s a new responsibility and a huge change for them! Even though they’ll always be your little boy or girl, they won’t … Continued

Tortícolis y La Importancia de Mantener al Bebé Boca Abajo: Conozca a Jonathan

Mire el viaje de Jonathan a través de terapia física temprana para ayudar a mejorar su tortícolis. Se confía a Pathways.org para asegurar lo mejor para el desarrollo físico de todos los niños. One boy’s story of early physical therapy to help improve his torticollis.

8 Questions to Ask When Picking Your Child’s Summer Camp

Parents looking to sign their kids up for summer camp literally have hundreds of options to choose from. Remember camp isn’t for everyone and that’s okay. If you feel your child is ready for a summer camp experience, keep these questions in mind while registering! What Do You Need in a Camp? It’s important to … Continued

Baby-Proofing: 14 Tips for Your Home

Your little one is movin’ and cruisin’! So what’s next? That’s right, baby proofing! Now the challenge is making sure your house is ready for your toddler’s new explorations. Follow our room-by-room tips to help protect baby from touching, grabbing, and exploring the everyday items they will now be fascinated by! It’s helpful for parents … Continued

Mindfulness to Improve Children’s Wellbeing

As more children adopt demanding schedules with increased academic work loads and an abundance of extracurricular activities, some react by showing signs of increased stress and anxiety.1 Our academic system has accelerated so children are now expected to complete school work previously given to children in higher grade levels. Early education has become less play … Continued

How to Use Books to Boost Vocabulary and Communication Skills

Caregivers can boost kids vocabulary through books by doing more than simply reading the written story to their children. Playing with books is a great way to increase communication with kids, spark their imagination, and get them to use their critical thinking skills. Next time you pull out a book try one of the below … Continued

Benefits of Family Meals for Kids

Why do family meals matter? There’s nothing quite like sharing a meal as a family. In today’s busy world of schoolwork, soccer practice, and music lessons it can be tempting to let family meals slide. However, as few as one to two family dinners a week can: Strengthen family bonds Improve communication and interpersonal skills … Continued

4 Screen-Free Indoor Activities

When the weather outside is not cooperating, keep kiddos busy with these four indoor activities! 1. Build a Fort Gather as many pillows and blankets as you can to make a fort in your basement or living room. Find objects in your house that can support the weight of blankets, such as chairs, couches, or … Continued

6 Car Games: How to Turn Car Rides into Playtime

Is car time turning into screen time for your kiddos? It doesn’t have to. In fact, you can use this valuable time to teach them about the world around them by playing car games. Turn even the shortest car rides into fun and educational experiences with these car games. Do you have a baby too? … Continued

Make the Most of Playtime! The Do’s and Don’ts

Play time for kids is such an important part of childhood! Playtime for kids helps them learn new things while building social skills, developing creative thinking, and learning about their interests and talents. Because life is so busy, these “Do’s” and “Don’ts” will help your family make the most of playtime!   Do Let Your … Continued

Make Teeth Brushing Fun with 6 Easy Tips

Whether it’s the shock of cold water hitting their teeth, the smell or taste of the toothpaste, or the idea that brushing their teeth is something they “have to” do, we may never know why children try to avoid brushing their teeth. What we do know, however, is many children Just. Don’t. Like. Brushing. Their. … Continued