743 Results

Importance of Play in Children’s Development

The importance of play in children’s development cannot be overstated because it provides time and space for children to explore and gain skills needed for adult life. Children’s playtime has steadily decreased due to limited access to play spaces, changes in the way children are expected to spend their time, parent concerns for safety, and … Continued

How to Help Turn Your Picky Eaters Into Veggie Lovers

When dealing with the combination of feeding problems, food allergies, and picky eaters, it can be tough to get kids to eat anything at all, and you might often wonder how to get kids to eat vegetables. However, research suggests dietary habits are established as early as infancy. The USDA suggests that vegetables should be … Continued

Family Activities for Fall

Are you looking for fun family activities to do this fall? Look no further! Turn off the tv, walk away from your computer, put your phone down, and get your family active with these easy fall activities. Play In the Leaves Okay, so maybe do a bit more than play. Make household chores fun for … Continued

Is Your Child’s Backpack Too Heavy?

It’s that time of year again. Along with fresh pencils, and new, cool lunchboxes, a new backpack, or at least a more lightweight backpack might be in order too! Read this blog to learn about some of the problems related to heavy backpacks and how much your child’s backpack should weigh. Did You Know Your … Continued

Preparing Your Child for Back to School

Classroom performance may come in part from your child’s ability to focus and work through open ended tasks, be organized, stick to a schedule or calendar, manage time, work independently, and control impulses and emotions. Possessing these abilities requires executive functioning skills and are important for your child’s back to school preparation and transition. But … Continued

How Many Extracurricular Activities is Too Many?

Extracurricular activities like sports, music lessons, dance, or band are rewarding for children of all ages. Having a schedule and forming commitments to teams and clubs are wonderful for social development. However, if children are involved in too many extracurricular activities, they might miss the intended benefits of their activities and suffer from unneeded stress. … Continued

Starting a New School? These Tips Can Help

Transitioning to a new school can be difficult for kids. Whether it’s your child’s first day of elementary school, their first day of high school, or you’re moving to a new school district, starting a new school can affect a child’s academic performance, social development, and mental state. Use these tips for starting a new … Continued

Fun Summer Activities that Promote Learning

Looking for summer learning activities for kids to get your child away from TVs, computers, or phones this summer? Half way through the summer everyone struggles to think of new ideas for summer play time. Below are some ideas to cut the cord and decrease screen time. Embrace Their Interests If your kids have a … Continued

Research: Use of Music Therapy to Support Premature Infants’ Initial Development

Shenfield T, Trainor LJ, Nakata T. Maternal singing modulates infant arousal. Psychology of Music. 2003; 31(4): 365–375. This study analyzed saliva samples of infants to reveal that infants with lower baseline levels exhibited modest cortisol increases in response to maternal singing; those with higher baseline levels exhibited modest reductions. These findings are consistent with the view … Continued

Research: Sensory Processing and Cerebral Palsy

Bumin G, Kayihan H.. Effectiveness of two different sensory integration programs for children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2001; 23(9): 394-399. An investigation of approaches to sensory perceptual motor (SPM) training for children with spastic diplegic CP (abnormal leg and possible arm stiffness), this study determines it is effective for group and individual treatment. … Continued

Research: Parent Perspective on Sensory Integration

Ahn RR, Miller LJ, Milberger S, et al. Prevalence of parents’ perceptions of sensory processing disorders among kindergarten children. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2004; 58(3): 287–293. This article shares results of a parent survey indicating that approximately 5.3% of incoming kindergartners in one suburb’s schools met criteria for sensory processing issues based on parental perceptions – … Continued

Research: Sensory Integration/Processing Effect on Learning

Ayres AJ. Effect of sensory integrative therapy on the coordination of children with choreoathetoid movements. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 1977; 31(5): 291–293. This study affirms that children with learning issues, SI deficits and choreoathetosis (involuntary movements) who received SI therapy developed better eye to hand coordination. Ayres AJ. Improving academic scores through sensory integration. Journal of Learning … Continued

Research: Effectiveness of Sensory Integration Theory

Addison LR, Piazza CC, Patel MR, Bachmeyer MH, Rivas KM, Milnes SM, Oddo J. A comparison of sensory integrative and behavioral therapies as treatment for pediatric feeding disorders. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 2012; 45(3): 455-71. This study about children with feeding issues concludes that behavioral and SI therapy used together can build the variety and amount … Continued

Research: Early Identification & Intervention for Communication Delays & Disorders

Conner J, Kelly-Vance L, Ryalls B, Friehe M. A play and language intervention for two-year-old children: implications for improving play skills and language. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 2014; 28(2): 221-37. Results of this study show that typically-developing two-year-old children who received play and language intervention over a four-week period increased pretend play, comprehension skills, and … Continued

Research: Facilitating Language Development in Infants & Children

Bernhardt BM, Kemp N, Werker JF. Early word-object associations and later language development. First Language. 2007; 27(4): 315-328. This study found that word-object association performance at 17 or 20 months, measured by the Switch task, was related to scores on standardized tests of language comprehension and production up to two and a half years later. The … Continued

Research: Language Development in Atypically Developing Infants & Children

Eilers RE, Oller DK. Infant vocalizations and the early diagnosis of severe hearing impairment. J Pediatr. 1994; 124(2): 199-203. Findings from this study indicate that infants with normal hearing produce canonical vocalizations before 11 months of age, while infants with severe to profound hearing loss do not produce these vocalizations until they are 11 months of age … Continued

Research: Infant Motor Development & Tummy Time

Abbott AL, Bartlett DJ. Infant motor development and equipment use in the home. Child: Care Health & Development. 2001; 27: 295–306. This study concluded “parental education with respect to moderate use of equipment and provision with adequate floor time (tummy time) to practice and experiment with motor abilities might be required to enhance motor outcomes of vulnerable … Continued

Augmentative and Alternative Forms of Communication

Pathways.org produces content (like the article below) for health publications and newsletters that discuss issues related to children’s development. Our content features information for healthcare professionals on talking to families, recognizing delays, and early referrals. For children with severe expressive communication disorders, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) can improve their ability to interact with others in … Continued

Tips for Traveling with Baby

Traveling with baby can be a little more complicated than before your bundle arrived. There is more planning involved and certainly more things to bring along. When taking a trip, it is helpful to know what you may encounter along the way. Read below for some more tips on traveling with baby Flying On an … Continued

Fun Things to Do on Father’s Day

June means the start of warm weather and school vacations, the opening of lakes and swimming pools, and of course Father’s Day. This year, celebrate the father figures in your life with engaging, family activities that are a break from the normal weekend routine. Have a Family Picnic or Grill Outside Take the mess outside! … Continued

Summer Vacation Safety

It’s the time of year your child has been anticipating for months – summer vacation! Why not have fun outdoors with friends and family? Here are some summer vacation safety tips that will help keep your child healthy and active. Beach and Pool Safety At either a beach or swimming pool, there should always be … Continued

Helping Your Child Retain Learning Over Summer Vacation

Summer vacation provides time for your child to relax and have some fun. However, it’s important to help make sure what they learned over the previous year isn’t forgotten. Help children learn and review information from the previous school year by preventing learning loss and keeping them up to date on information that they should … Continued

Augmentative and Alternative Communication For Kids

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a form of communication used instead of or along with talking. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) helps children who have difficulties hearing and/or speaking. These alternative forms of communication can help children take in and understand messages, as well as express their thoughts and ideas with others. What are … Continued

Frequently Asked Questions About Infant Equipment

What is infant equipment? Infant equipment are devices that hold your baby during playtime, activities, and during transportation. How much time should my baby spend in infant equipment? You should limit the amount of time your baby spends in car seats, jumpers, baby swings, and other types of equipment. There are some situations that make … Continued

Picky Eaters vs. Problem Feeders

A toddler’s food preferences can be very unpredictable. Identify picky eaters vs problem feeders through these telltale signs. What is a picky eater? Eats at least one food from most texture groups e.g crunchy, chewy, mushy, but may not like a variety of food in each group Can manage new food on their plate and … Continued