Showing Results for "meeting milestones"
58 Results

What Are Hypertonia and Hypotonia?

Hypertonia and Hypotonia are two technical terms to describe issues with muscle tone. Muscles are meant to stretch with our bodies to accomplish everyday tasks. Imagine your muscles are like a rubber band, and when you stretch to touch your toes or pick something up, you’re increasing the tension on the band. Most people experience … Continued

Baby on the Move – 5 Ways to Encourage Crawling

Babies become mobile pretty fast! Between 7-9 months old, babies will typically begin crawling, with many starting to walk around their first birthday. It’s important to stay close to baby at all times while they’re crawling and learning to walk. Baby could end up crawling over to places and things that could hurt them! Parents … Continued

Parents’ Guide to the Side Lying Position

Have you tried the side lying position for your baby? All it takes is a light touch to get them there, and it can have great benefits for their development! Watch to learn more about the side lying position. Want to watch more videos about related topics? Click the buttons below!   This video is … Continued


Frequently Asked Questions We know that parents and caregivers can often have a lot of questions about their child’s development. Below is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs). Every question is clickable and will take you to a page with more detail. If you have a FAQ or concern not on this list, please … Continued

Five Essential Tummy Time Moves, How To Do Tummy Time

Wondering what Tummy Time moves you can practice with baby? Or how to position baby for Tummy Time? Turns out, there’s more than one way! Try these 5 Tummy Time moves with baby to help make it easier for you and baby. Tummy Time helps babies develop the muscles in their back, neck and trunk, on … Continued

Feeding Difficulties in Infants with Tongue Tie and Lip Tie

Ankyloglossia, also known as tongue tie, is a congenital condition that can affect infants and children due to having a short lingual frenulum that restricts tongue movement and impacts the function of the tongue. The incidence of tongue tie affects at least 4% of infants and is most commonly diagnosed in males by a 2-3:1 … Continued

Tips for Bringing Kids to Restaurants

Family meals are important. Sometimes these meals include bringing kids to restaurants. But dining out with your little one can be tricky! We recently ran a Feeding Tips Contest and asked for the best advice on eating at a restaurant with babies and toddlers. Here are few great tips for bringing kids to restaurants from … Continued

Differences between Maternal and Paternal Book Reading to Children

Reading aloud helps children expand their vocabularies while also building their ability to think, analyze, and ask questions. It can also inspire a love of reading and learning for life. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Fathering suggests fathers and mothers may have different styles of reading to their children and both can … Continued