291 Results

When Can Baby Climb Stairs and How Can You Keep Them Safe?

Wondering when do babies climb stairs? As baby gets better at walking, they’re able to do more on their feet. That includes going up and down stairs! Learn more about when baby is able to go up and down stairs, and how to help baby master this milestone. Also, learn some safety tips for baby … Continued

Freedom in Play: Testing Boundaries During Baby Playtime Can be a Good Thing

As a parent or caregiver, you probably look for all the ways to lessen risk while your baby plays. You may often catch yourself saying things like “Be careful!” or “Don’t do that!” because you’re a good parent and you just want your little one to be safe at all times. Some emerging research shows … Continued

It’s Time for a Big Kid Bed! When to Move Baby Out of Crib

It’s a big step when baby is ready to transition out of their crib! But when is the right time? And how can you make the transition as smooth as possible? Find out more! When to move baby out of the crib? Transitioning out of the crib is not a milestone, so there isn’t a … Continued

Baby is Coming Home from the NICU! How to Prepare

Baby is coming home from the NICU! When baby is released from the hospital after spending time in the NICU, it is so exciting (and overwhelming) to welcome them home. So how can you best prepare to bring baby home after being discharged from the NICU? Why would baby be in the NICU? There are … Continued

What is the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit? Learn More About the NICU

Sometimes when baby is born, they require special care after birth. There are many different things they may need help with, and there are many different reasons why. But usually if baby needs medical support after birth, they will go to the neonatal intensive care unit, also known as the NICU. If baby is in … Continued

Is Baby Premature? How the Pathways.org App Can Help Track Baby’s Development

If baby was born premature, it can be more challenging to track their development. You may have questions about which milestones baby should be reaching, or how you can encourage them to work towards other milestones. But with the help of the FREE Pathways.org Baby Development App, tracking milestones and abilities is easier than ever—even … Continued

How Baby Can Get the Tummy Time They Need While in the NICU

It’s recommended for all babies that they do Tummy Time as soon as they are born, but can baby do Tummy Time in the NICU? Tummy Time is one of the best exercises for baby! It helps with motor development and strengthens head, neck and shoulder muscles. Tummy Time also can help prevent positional plagiocephaly … Continued

Should Baby Have More Well-Baby Visits If They Were Born Premature?

For every baby, well-baby visits are important check-ins with baby’s healthcare providers. Should baby have more visits if they were born premature? The short answer is no, if they are progressing in their development then they can follow the typical schedule of recommended well-baby visits. The AAP recommends these visits at 3-5 days, 1 month, … Continued

How to Prepare for a Well-Baby Visit if Baby is Premature

Well-baby visits are important check-ups with baby’s healthcare provider to make sure they are developing on track and to answer any questions you may have. If baby is premature, there may be a few extra things to consider for baby’s appointment! Here are some ways to prepare for a well-baby visit (or any appointment with … Continued

Was Baby Born Premature? What To Do Next

Was baby born earlier than expected? If so, you may have many questions about what this means for baby’s health and development. There are so many ways to support baby if they are premature! Here are some of the most important things to know, and ways to can support them in these early years. What … Continued

Can Babies Drink Water? Everything to Know About Baby’s Hydration

We think a lot about when baby is able to eat, but what about drinking? You may have questions around the topic of when can babies drink water, how much water baby should drink, and anything else about their ability to drink. Here are some answers to common questions about baby’s drinking abilities! When can … Continued

Try These Activities to Encourage Walking

Walking is an exciting motor milestone! Baby typically takes their first steps around their first birthday. So how can you make this milestone more fun? Here are some activities to help encourage walking! Cruise along furniture Cruising is side stepping while holding on to something. You can encourage baby to walk, or cruise, along something … Continued

When Will Baby Sit Up On Their Own?

Sitting might seem like an easy thing to do, but for a developing baby, it’s hard work! Sitting upright and independently takes time and exercise. So how can you help baby sit without your help? Learn when you can expect baby to sit up! When do babies start sitting up? For the first few months … Continued

Celebrating the Differences That Make All Children Unique!

Every person is unique, and differences in kids are worth celebrating! Kids are observant and often notice differences—in others or in themselves. How do you help children talk about differences, and understand how to interact with others? Here are some tips, but remember that every situation requires a different approach. The best rule of thumb … Continued

When Can Baby Roll Over? Tips to Help Baby Roll

Is your baby ready to roll? These signs indicate that baby is ready to roll: Head Lifter: Can your baby hold their head high while lying on their tummy? Tummy Time Toy Grabber: Does your baby reach for enticing toys while on their tummy? Strong Neck: Notice a significant improvement in your baby’s neck muscle control? Before baby … Continued

The Pincer Grasp: When Baby Will Learn This Important Fine Motor Skill

Close your eyes and imagine you’re picking up something small, like a bead or a piece of popcorn. Now think about holding a pen or pencil, and how you would hold it in your hand. Finally, imagine you’re zipping up or buttoning your jacket. These are all very simple but important fine motor movements we … Continued

What Does Reflux Look Like For Baby?

As you may have noticed when feeding baby, spitting-up and burping are an expected part of the process. Spit-up is also called infant reflux, and it occurs when food moves back up from baby’s stomach. Baby reflux is typical and may happen multiple times a day. But what is the difference between reflux and a … Continued

Keep Baby Cool, Hydrated and Safe in the Summer Months

Summer is here! When the temperature rises and the sun comes out, many of us want to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. How to keep baby cool in summer so they can enjoy the hot weather? Don’t worry, we have you covered! If it’s baby’s first summer, make sure baby is ready for … Continued

How Your Child Can Benefit From Having a Pet

Pets are such an important (and adorable!) part of our lives. They come in many shapes and sizes—dogs, cats, hamsters, birds, or any other cute companion—but no matter the type of animal, they are living creatures capable of building bonds with humans. In fact, many people view their pets as a part of their family! … Continued

What to Expect From Baby’s Hearing Tests

Before baby comes home from the hospital, they will receive a hearing test (also called a hearing screening). The infant hearing screening helps to see if baby is having any issues with their hearing prior to coming home. If baby is found to have an issue with their hearing, intervening early can help their communication … Continued

Healthy Eating Starts Young! Try Building These Habits With Children

We all know healthy eating is important, but let’s be honest—getting children to eat nutritious foods can sometimes be challenging! Sometimes parents feel frustrated or guilty if their child pushes away the fruits and veggies, but so-called “picky eating” is an expected part of childhood. So if your little one is pushing away the bananas … Continued

Types of Baby Crawls

Crawling is an important and exciting motor milestone! It’s when baby starts to move independently and explore their environment for the first time. Crawling usually only lasts a few months, because baby starts to transition to standing and walking around 1 year old. Even though this period is brief, there are so many developmental benefits … Continued

The Best Toys for Outdoor Play

Sunshine, is that you? Believe it or not, it’s almost time for spring! The warming weather means it’s a great time for outdoor play with your little one! Play becomes even better for your little one when outdoor toys for kids are added to the mix. These are the best outdoor toys for kids to … Continued

Is Baby Not Meeting Their Milestones? What To Do Next

Have you noticed baby is having trouble reaching a certain milestone? Or does it feel like something isn’t quite right with your child’s development? All parents have concerns at some time about their child’s development. This is a normal reaction and expected part of being a parent! But if you are noticing your baby is … Continued

What To Do If Baby Has a Fear of Strangers

Hello, baby! From aunts and uncles to friends and neighbors, baby is constantly meeting new people. Meeting people is a great way to work on baby’s social skills. While meeting baby is usually a happy occasion for the adults and older children involved, meeting new people can sometimes be hard for baby. They may feel … Continued