743 Results

Benefits of Playing with Baby in Side Lying

Try the side lying position with baby to help them explore, move, and learn about their body! This position helps baby with their reaching and kicking skills, putting hands to mouth, and rolling. Play these baby activities to help your little one develop these skills!

When Will Baby Start Squatting?

First comes walking, then comes squatting! Once baby has started walking, they will begin to develop strength and balance while moving, and before long, they will begin to squat. Squatting to pick up a toy is a 13-18 month milestone, which helps develop baby’s motor, sensory, and play skills. Learn more about squatting! When will … Continued

When Can Baby Climb Stairs and How Can You Keep Them Safe?

Wondering when do babies climb stairs? As baby gets better at walking, they’re able to do more on their feet. That includes going up and down stairs! Learn more about when baby is able to go up and down stairs, and how to help baby master this milestone. Also, learn some safety tips for baby … Continued

Infant Development: Alignment, Core, and Motor (IDACM) – 102

Rating: 100%
This course is our second course in the IDACM series. The purpose of this course is to give you a foundation for understanding infant regulation and how regulation can affect a baby’s ability to reach milestones. The course will help participants- understand the role regulation plays in development starting from birth.

Freedom in Play: Testing Boundaries During Baby Playtime Can be a Good Thing

As a parent or caregiver, you probably look for all the ways to lessen risk while your baby plays. You may often catch yourself saying things like “Be careful!” or “Don’t do that!” because you’re a good parent and you just want your little one to be safe at all times. Some emerging research shows … Continued

Tips to Help Baby Roll Over from a Physical Therapist

Help your baby learn how to roll over! Use these therapist tips to help baby meet their 4-6 month motor milestone. Rolling helps with head and trunk strength, weight shifting, and core strength, which are all important for gross motor development.

Resources for Baby After the NICU

Did your baby spend time in the NICU after birth? Having a child in the NICU can be an overwhelming experience to say the least. That’s why we developed our Resources to Care for Baby After the NICU Brochure. This brochure will help walk parents through some key development information and tips for their baby … Continued

How Our FREE App Helps Parents

Parents love the FREE Pathways.org Baby Milestones app, which helps them track baby’s development, from milestones to Tummy Time. This baby app also provides weekly motor, communication, sensory, and feeding activities to support baby at their exact age and stage of development. All activities are reviewed and recommended by expert healthcare providers. Learn more about … Continued

How Are Milestones and Abilities Different?

Are you tracking baby’s milestones and abilities? If so, you’re probably wondering how they’re different and why they’re both an important part of baby’s development. Watch this video to find the answers! Tracking both milestones and abilities is important to understand baby’s development. So how are they different? MILESTONES are behavioral or physical checkpoints in … Continued

It’s Time for a Big Kid Bed! When to Move Baby Out of Crib

It’s a big step when baby is ready to transition out of their crib! But when is the right time? And how can you make the transition as smooth as possible? Find out more! When to move baby out of the crib? Transitioning out of the crib is not a milestone, so there isn’t a … Continued

Pathways.org Baby Milestones App

A FREE app to help parents, caregivers and healthcare providers track and support baby’s development Our new, FREE Pathways.org Baby Milestones app brings together accurate and detailed tracking of baby’s development, hundreds of activities to help baby meet their milestones, and expert-approved videos, articles, and answers to common parent questions. Create a profile for your … Continued

The Difference Between Structured vs. Unstructured Play

Do you know the difference between structured and unstructured play? Both are important to a child’s development! Structured play involves a child following directions or rules, such as one given by an adult, whereas unstructured play is a child doing what interests them or playing without direction. Structured play: A child follows directions or rules. … Continued

GRATUITA Aplicación móvil

Todo lo que le gusta de Pathways.org ahora está a solo un paso de distancia. ¡Cree un perfil para su hijo y le recomendaremos contenido para su edad exacta, para ayudarle a monitorear y alcanzar sus hitos!   ¡Ahora puede realizar un seguimiento de hitos, actividades y más, para varios niños en la aplicación! ¡Calificada … Continued

The Benefits of Massage+ 30, 10, 5

Massage+ 30, 10, 5 is a simple, quick, and powerful baby massage based on 40+ years of research for premature and full-term babies. It helps to improve baby’s health and development.  Massage+ 30, 10, 5 is a massage of baby’s head, arms, legs, belly, and back, and also incorporates communication and movement. Massage+ is proven … Continued

Important Sensory Milestones: Baby’s First Year Part 1

How do baby’s sensory skills develop over their first year? Here are a few of baby’s sensory milestones from 0-12 months, validated by American Academy of Pediatric findings! 0-3 Months: Baby is able to calm with rocking, touching, and gentle sounds They will visually track a moving toy from side to side while lying on … Continued

Baby is Coming Home from the NICU! How to Prepare

Baby is coming home from the NICU! When baby is released from the hospital after spending time in the NICU, it is so exciting (and overwhelming) to welcome them home. So how can you best prepare to bring baby home after being discharged from the NICU? Why would baby be in the NICU? There are … Continued

What is the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit? Learn More About the NICU

Sometimes when baby is born, they require special care after birth. There are many different things they may need help with, and there are many different reasons why. But usually if baby needs medical support after birth, they will go to the neonatal intensive care unit, also known as the NICU. If baby is in … Continued

How to Support Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy eating is important and getting babies to eat nutritious foods can sometimes be challenging! If your little one is pushing away the bananas and broccoli, try these tips to help them build healthy eating habits. Read the full article here! Help baby make smarter eating decisions in the future! Here are some ways to … Continued

Free Resources for
NICU Babies

Helping Babies in the NICU Reach Their Full Potential Pathways.org provides trusted and easy to use resources to help baby’s early development. Below are key resources to support babies and empower parents in the NICU and beyond. Jump to: FREE Baby Milestones App Preemie and NICU Resources The Massage+ 30, 10, 5 Intervention New Content … Continued

Is Baby Premature? How the Pathways.org App Can Help Track Baby’s Development

If baby was born premature, it can be more challenging to track their development. You may have questions about which milestones baby should be reaching, or how you can encourage them to work towards other milestones. But with the help of the FREE Pathways.org Baby Development App, tracking milestones and abilities is easier than ever—even … Continued

How Baby Can Get the Tummy Time They Need While in the NICU

It’s recommended for all babies that they do Tummy Time as soon as they are born, but can baby do Tummy Time in the NICU? Tummy Time is one of the best exercises for baby! It helps with motor development and strengthens head, neck and shoulder muscles. Tummy Time also can help prevent positional plagiocephaly … Continued

Should Baby Have More Well-Baby Visits If They Were Born Premature?

For every baby, well-baby visits are important check-ins with baby’s healthcare providers. Should baby have more visits if they were born premature? The short answer is no, if they are progressing in their development then they can follow the typical schedule of recommended well-baby visits. The AAP recommends these visits at 3-5 days, 1 month, … Continued

How to Prepare for a Well-Baby Visit if Baby is Premature

Well-baby visits are important check-ups with baby’s healthcare provider to make sure they are developing on track and to answer any questions you may have. If baby is premature, there may be a few extra things to consider for baby’s appointment! Here are some ways to prepare for a well-baby visit (or any appointment with … Continued

Was Baby Born Premature? What To Do Next

Was baby born earlier than expected? If so, you may have many questions about what this means for baby’s health and development. There are so many ways to support baby if they are premature! Here are some of the most important things to know, and ways to can support them in these early years. What … Continued