284 Results

19-24 Meses Lista de Comprobación de Hitos Comunicación

Hacia los 21 Meses: Utiliza al menos 50 palabras Imita constantemente nuevas palabras Nombra objetos e imágenes Comprende pronombres simples (yo, tú, mi) Entiende nuevas palabras rápidamente Identifica 3-5 partes del cuerpo cuando se nombran Hacia los 24 Meses: Utiliza gestos y palabras en los juegos de simulación Comienza a utilizar frases de 2 palabras … Continued

19-24 Month Communication Milestones

See the communication milestones baby should be reaching by 2 years old. There is a clip of each milestone so you can see the different communication milestones for baby. By 21 Months: Uses at least 50 words Consistently imitates new words Names objects and pictures Understands simple pronouns (me, you, my) Identifies 3-5 body parts … Continued

Games for Your 26 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Household Hub-Bub: Use household items like squeeze toys or newspapers to make different noises for baby. Repeat sounds at different volumes and in different orders to keep them interested. Then give them the items and help them make sounds. Helps baby develop motor and listening skills. Floor Explorer: Create a safe place on the floor … Continued

Games for Your 25 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Sit Up Straight: Support baby’s back to help them sit up. Look at a book with baby in this position. Helps them strengthen muscles needed to sit up on his own. Make this more fun for baby by using funny noises while you read. Helps baby develop strength. Pureed Food: Try introducing new pureed foods … Continued

Games for Your 24 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Winding Up: Play with toys that move. All curious babies love a jack in the box or a wind-up toy that makes repetitive movements. Helps baby develop visual skills. Break Out the Board Books: Baby loves the sound of your voice while you read and the colors and shapes in books. Mix it up by … Continued

Games for Your 23 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Taking the Spotlight: Baby should recognize familiar caregivers, try to get their attention, and engage with them. During calm moments, walk back and forth slowly past baby then smile and talk to baby if they try to get your attention. Helps baby learn to communicate with you by making sounds and using gestures. Sit On … Continued

Games for Your 22 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

A Solid Move: Introduce Stage 1, smooth purees after you have breast or bottle fed baby. To help transition, end the meal with some more milk or formula after baby has tried some solids. (Consult baby’s healthcare provider about starting cereals and pureed foods.) Helps baby develop feeding skills. Swipe Away: Encourage baby to swipe … Continued

Games for Your 21 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Smooth Tummy Ride: Place baby tummy down on a thick towel and grasp the corners. Slowly circle around the room, basing your movement on baby’s level of comfort. Do this activity on a soft surface, like carpet, free of toys and household items. (Make sure they can hold their head up.) Helps baby improve neck … Continued

Games for Your 20 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Body Massage: After a bath or during changing, gently massage baby from top of head to bottom of feet. Massages are good for all babies. Helps baby bond with you, use their sense of touch, and use their vision to focus on you. Noise Makers: Give baby toys that make noise. Baby is starting to … Continued

Games for Your 19 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Lifting Up and Down: Try this form of exercise with baby. Lift baby up high above your head and bring them back down low. Helps baby develop their sense of balance and body position. Play Ball!: Find a ball designed for babies with different textures. Hand baby the ball and see what they do with … Continued

Games for Your 18 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

On and Off: Show baby how to turn things on and off including, lights, water faucets, etc. Repeat “On!” or “Off!” each time. Try this with a flashlight too. Baby will enjoy watching the light move around the room. Helps baby learn new words and sets the foundation for understanding cause and effect. Rock and … Continued

Games for Your 17 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Toy Challenge #2: Show baby a favorite stuffed animal. Help them to touch it. Ask what it could be. Then tell them what it is. “It’s a kitty!” Helps baby use sense of touch and follow objects with eyes. Action Songs: Count and wiggle baby’s fingers and toes as you sing “This Little Piggy” or … Continued

Games for Your 16 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Toy Challenge #1: Hold baby on your lap. Try to get them to reach for a toy. Help them switch the toy from one hand to the other. Helps baby work on hand-eye coordination. Texture Time: Let baby touch fabric with different textures such as wool and velvet. Use a different word to describe each … Continued

Games for Your 15 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Copy-Cat Chit-Chat: Encourage baby to make noise by responding as if in conversation. Repeat sounds they make and add new words. Baby will learn the give and take of communication and may begin to babble sounds from words they’ve heard you say. Helps baby develop communication skills. Teething Time: Give baby teething rings that have … Continued

Games for Your 14 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Blow Raspberries: Before dressing baby, press your lips on their tummy and blow air on their skin to make a noise. The sound and funny feeling will make them smile and giggle. This encourages baby to make their own noises and lip movements, which is good practice for babbling and copying sounds. Helps baby build … Continued

Feeding Your 12+ Month Old Baby

What can you feed your 1 year old baby? What if your toddler is a picky eater? You have questions about baby feeding, we have answers! What can you feed your 1 year old baby? If baby is an independent walker, try introducing the following foods: Beans Ground meat Milk (with pediatrician’s approval) Diced chicken/fish … Continued

Feeding Your 10-12 Month Old Baby

What can you feed a 10-12 month old baby? What are some finger food ideas for baby? You have questions about baby feeding, we have answers! What can you feed your (almost) 1 year old baby? Baby should drink breast milk and/or formula until they are at least 1 year old. If baby is beginning … Continued

Feeding Your 7-9 Month Old Baby

What can a 9 month old eat? How much should a 7 month old eat? What are the best finger foods for a 9 month old? You have questions about baby feeding, we have answers! What can you feed your 7-9 month old baby? Baby should drink breast milk and/or formula until they are at … Continued

Feeding Your 4-6 Month Old Baby

How much should a 4 month old eat? What can babies eat at 6 months? When can you start feeding your baby baby food? You have questions about baby feeding, we have answers! What should baby be fed? Baby should drink breast milk and/or formula until they are at least 1 year old. Feeding baby … Continued

Feeding Your 0-3 Month Old Baby

How much should a 3 month old eat? Should baby have a feeding schedule? What are signs of hunger in a newborn? You have questions about baby feeding, we have answers! What should you feed a 0-3 month old baby? Newborns should only be fed breast milk and/or formula. How often should baby be fed? … Continued

Games for Your 13 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Busy Fingers: Baby should be spending time looking at and playing with their fingers and hands. Putting hands or toys in their mouth is typical at this age. Be sure toys are age appropriate and big enough to not cause choking. Helps baby learn hand-eye coordination while exploring their surroundings. Sense of Touch: Baby’s sense of touch … Continued

Games for Your 12 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Side Chats: Lie baby down and talk to them from the left and right sides. Helps baby turn head in different directions. Tummy Carry & Chat: Hold baby close to you in a tummy-down carry. Slide one hand under the tummy and between their legs when carrying baby tummy-down. Chat while you go: “Up!” (lift them … Continued

Games for Your 11 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Face Feelings: Grab a stuffed animal and talk to it. Touch its face. Name each part (nose, ears) you touch. Let baby feel the stuffed animal’s face and yours. Name what they touch. Then help them touch their own ears, mouth, etc., while you name each part. Helps baby develop sense of touch. Play Peek-a-Boo: Lay … Continued

Games for Your 10 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Parent Talkathon: Talking to baby is important! Use a slow, higher than normal pitch, almost a melodic voice to help get and keep baby’s attention. Babies prefer the sound of Moms’ and Dads’ voices. Your baby might even copy your tongue and mouth movements. Helps baby develop listening skills and mouth muscles. Cheesy Smile: Smiling is one … Continued

Games for Your 9 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Cooing & Gurgling: Talk to baby often. They should be cooing (soft throaty sounds including vowels) and gurgling (low, throaty, wet sounds) back to you by about two months. Helps baby develop first steps to speaking. Switch Swat: Dangle simple objects (rattle or plastic measuring spoons) from a string so baby can swipe at it. … Continued