Showing Results for "tummy time games"
54 Results

Simple and Easy Games For Babies To Help Develop Their Sense of Hearing

Baby uses their 8 senses every single day! Many senses continue to develop and change even after we are born. Here we’ll learn more about the hearing (auditory) sense, and how you can help baby develop their sense of hearing. What is the hearing sense and how do we use it? The hearing sense allows … Continued

Simple and Easy Games For Babies To Help Develop Their Sense of Vision

Baby uses their 8 senses every single day! Many senses continue to develop and change even after we are born. Here we’ll learn more about the vision sense, and how you can help baby develop this very important sense. What is the vision sense and how do we use it? The vision sense brings awareness … Continued

It’s Play Time! The Best Toys For Baby’s First Year

Play looks different at every age, especially in baby’s first year. Even simple actions, like talking to baby, count as play activities in the early months of their life! Play can happen during routine activities (like Tummy Time or bath time). It can also be a set of simple games and activities that keep baby … Continued

Games for Your 48 Week Old Baby | 10-12 Month Games

Beach-Ball Tummy Time: Blow up a beach ball so it’s almost full, with a soft spot. Hold baby carefully on top of beach ball, tummy down. Roll them back and forth, side to side. Helps baby develop core strength and balance. Obstacle Crawls: Try to encourage baby to crawl over, under, and through various objects at home. Take … Continued

Games for Your 43 Week Old Baby | 10-12 Month Games

Games to Play Inside Surprise: Put a toy or book inside an empty cardboard box. Wrap it with colorful paper or newspaper comics. Clap your hands when baby yanks it open, then announce what’s inside. Helps with language skills, fine motor development, and executive functioning skills. Tray Pick Up: Offer baby food on their highchair tray like cereal … Continued

Games for Your 33 Week Old Baby | 7-9 Month Games

Toy Grasp Time: When baby is holding a toy in each hand, offer a third toy. Watch as baby figures out how to grasp the new toy without letting go of the other two. Helps baby develop fine motor skills and problem-solving skills. Baby Push-Ups: Encourage baby push-ups during Tummy Time by raising and lowering … Continued

Games for Your 24 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Winding Up: Play with toys that move. All curious babies love a jack in the box or a wind-up toy that makes repetitive movements. Helps baby develop visual skills. Break Out the Board Books: Baby loves the sound of your voice while you read and the colors and shapes in books. Mix it up by … Continued

Games for Your 20 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Body Massage: After a bath or during changing, gently massage baby from top of head to bottom of feet. Massages are good for all babies. Helps baby bond with you, use their sense of touch, and use their vision to focus on you. Noise Makers: Give baby toys that make noise. Baby is starting to … Continued

Games for Your 18 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

On and Off: Show baby how to turn things on and off including, lights, water faucets, etc. Repeat “On!” or “Off!” each time. Try this with a flashlight too. Baby will enjoy watching the light move around the room. Helps baby learn new words and sets the foundation for understanding cause and effect. Rock and … Continued

Games for Your 16 Week Old Baby | 4-6 Month Games

Toy Challenge #1: Hold baby on your lap. Try to get them to reach for a toy. Help them switch the toy from one hand to the other. Helps baby work on hand-eye coordination. Texture Time: Let baby touch fabric with different textures such as wool and velvet. Use a different word to describe each … Continued

Games for Your 13 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Busy Fingers: Baby should be spending time looking at and playing with their fingers and hands. Putting hands or toys in their mouth is typical at this age. Be sure toys are age appropriate and big enough to not cause choking. Helps baby learn hand-eye coordination while exploring their surroundings. Sense of Touch: Baby’s sense of touch … Continued

Games for Your 11 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Face Feelings: Grab a stuffed animal and talk to it. Touch its face. Name each part (nose, ears) you touch. Let baby feel the stuffed animal’s face and yours. Name what they touch. Then help them touch their own ears, mouth, etc., while you name each part. Helps baby develop sense of touch. Play Peek-a-Boo: Lay … Continued

Games for Your 8 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Hand Puppet Play: Place a puppet on your hand. Move puppet up and down, while saying baby’s name. See if they can follow the movement. Then move the puppet in a circle. As soon as they are able to follow the movement, try different movements. Helps baby develop vision skills. Gentle Dance: Turn on some of … Continued

Games for 6 Week Old Babies | 0-3 Month Games

Introducing games into the daily routine of caring for a 6-week-old baby not only fosters essential developmental skills but also creates meaningful bonding moments between caregivers and their little ones. At this tender age, incorporating simple yet engaging activities is crucial for the baby’s cognitive and emotional growth. In this guide, we explore fun games … Continued

Games for Your 5 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Get on Down: When baby is on tummy, get down on their level. Encourage eye contact. Place a mirror in front of baby, so they see themselves in a new way. Helps baby develop motor skills, prevents flat spots on head. Smiling Faces: Babies love faces. Go through pictures of family and friends or a magazine. … Continued

Games for Your 4 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Head Lifts: Baby should be starting to lift head a little bit when doing Tummy Time. Get baby to move by dangling a toy to look up at. Helps baby improve neck and head control. Keep a Diary: Track things like baby’s motor milestones, how often they eat, and how many ounces are eaten per day. This … Continued

Games for Your 2 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Evolving Mobile: Every couple of weeks add or change the toys hanging from an overhead mobile or play mat to grab baby’s attention. Wiggling the toys can also help baby look at the new toys. When baby is able to sit up, take down the mobile due to safety risks. Helps baby develop vision by … Continued

Games for Your 1 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

Tummy to Play: Always remember: back to sleep, tummy to play. Baby may not like being on their tummy at first because back and neck muscles are not very strong yet. Make Tummy Time part of baby’s daily routine starting with a few minutes at a time, a few times a day. Helps baby develop … Continued

Early Educator Guide to Tummy Time

What more Tummy Time info? This course is here to help! Perfect for all early childhood educators and caregivers who work with children under 6 months old.

Your Guide to Tummy Time

This Tummy Time course is your child development guide to helping baby hit milestones. Perfect for parents, grandparents, and all caregivers of children under 6 months old.

Tips to Help Baby Crawl if They Haven’t Yet!

Crawling is a motor milestone many parents look forward to! It is a great way for baby to start moving on their own. There are so many benefits to crawling, beyond just motor development (although that is a great benefit!). Crawling also promotes sensory development, executive function, feeding and play. It also encourages bilateral coordination, … Continued

How to Help Baby Develop Their Senses of Taste & Smell? Try These Activities!

Baby uses their 8 senses every single day! Many senses continue to develop and change even after we are born. Here we’ll learn more about the taste (gustatory) and smell (olfactory) senses, and how you can help baby develop these very important senses. What are the olfactory and gustatory senses? Olfactory is the sense of … Continued

Activities to Help Babies and Toddlers Develop Their Sense of Touch

Baby uses their 8 senses every single day! Many senses continue to develop and change even after we are born. Here we’ll learn more about the touch (tactile) sense, and how you can help baby develop this very important sense. What is the touch sense? The touch sense gives us information from our skin. When … Continued

When and Why Baby Should Play on the Floor

If you’ve checked out our Tummy Time page or Baby Games, you probably notice a lot of it is on the floor! That’s because floor time is so beneficial for baby, especially in the very early months of life. In the early months of life, spending time on the floor to play, including Tummy Time, … Continued

Bad Air Quality? Indoor Activities for Baby

Got bad air quality outside? Or is it just too hot or cold to play with baby outside today? There are always days when it is better to keep baby inside. Here are some activities (created with expert pediatric physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech language pathologists) that were designed to be played indoors and … Continued