Showing Results for "meeting milestones"
58 Results

Meeting Milestones – Encourage Baby to Bring Hands to Feet

How to: Help Baby Reach Both Hands to Play with Feet Activity – Tilt baby’s hips upward. Why it Helps – Baby will feel what muscles they need to use lift their hips against gravity. Activity – Bring baby’s feet into view. Why it Helps – Baby starts to see their feet and reach for … Continued

Meeting Milestones – Helping Baby Roll

Help baby meet their 6 month motor milestone of rolling over. Watch this licensed pediatric physical therapist give mom tips to encourage her baby to roll over. “A great source to get the right information about babies’ development. I’ve been doing the recommended activities for my baby and she’s mastered rolling both ways at 4 … Continued

Meeting Milestones – How to Get Baby to Sit

Help baby meeting their 7-9 month motor milestone of sitting without support. Try these activities to encourage independent sitting. Activity at 0-3 Months: When holding baby on your lap, position their bottom so it’s pushed back. Slowly rock baby. This helps baby learn to properly sit with their upper body in line with their base. … Continued

Meeting Milestones – How to Help Baby Visually Track Objects

Help baby meet their three month sensory milestone of visually tracking an object side to side while lying on their back. Use red, black, and white colored objects to keep baby engaged to help baby develop the ability to focus because colors are bold enough for baby to see. Touch a soft toy to baby’s … Continued

Meeting Milestones – How to Help Baby Lift & Hold Head Up

Help baby meet their 0-3 month motor milestone of lifting and holding up their head while on their tummy. Position baby’s elbows close to their body to help baby have a better base of support so they are able to push up more easily. Move a toy upward once it has caught baby’s gaze to … Continued

Is Baby Not Meeting Their Milestones? What To Do Next

Have you noticed baby is having trouble reaching a certain milestone? Or does it feel like something isn’t quite right with your child’s development? All parents have concerns at some time about their child’s development. This is a normal reaction and expected part of being a parent! But if you are noticing your baby is … Continued

Do Twins Reach Developmental Milestones At The Same Time?

Double the babies, double the fun! When you have twins, it’s natural to compare how they do things. You compare what they like to eat, how they play, and how well they sleep. But should twin milestones be compared? Given they do so much together, it’s also natural to wonder if twins should reach developmental … Continued

13-18 Month Old Communication Milestones

See the 13 communication milestones baby should be reaching by 18 months old. There is a clip of each milestone so you can see the different communication milestones for baby. By 15 Months: • May use 5-10 words • Combines sounds and gestures • Imitates simple words and actions • Consistently follows simple directions • … Continued

13-18 Month Old Sensory Milestones

See the 3 sensory milestones baby should be reaching by 18 months old. There is a clip of each milestone so you can see the different sensory milestones for baby. Baby’s 18 month sensory milestones include: • Helps with getting dressed/undressed • Has a regular sleep schedule • Eats an increasing variety of foods The … Continued

13-18 Month Old Motor Milestones

See the 3 motor milestones baby should be reaching by 18 months old. There is a clip of each milestone so you can see the different motor milestones for baby. Baby’s 18 month motor milestones include: • Walks independently and seldom falls • Squats to pick up a toy • Stacks two objects or blocks … Continued

0 to 3 Month Baby – Feeding Milestones to Look For

See the 4 different feeding milestones baby should be reaching by 3 months old. Each milestone has a short clip so you can see the different feeding milestones for baby and compare to the movements of your baby. See more 0-3 month milestones and videos. As always, all of our content is validated with American … Continued

4 to 6 Month Baby – Motor Milestones to Look For

The 4-6 months motor milestones video provides parents and caregivers 6 examples of motor milestones baby should reach by 6 months old. Each video clip shows how baby should be moving and what parents and caregivers should watch for. By 6 months, baby is becoming stronger. They can support them self while sitting to look … Continued

0 to 3 Month Baby – Motor Milestones to Look For

The 0-3 month motor milestones video shows parents and caregivers 5 examples of motor milestones baby should reach by 3 months old. Each video clip shows how baby should be moving and what parents and caregivers should watch for. Early motor delays can be detected by 3 months of age and the motor milestones video … Continued

4 to 6 Month Baby Feeding Milestones to Look For

See the 4 different feeding milestones baby should be reaching by 6 months old. There is a clip that goes along with each milestone so you can see the different feeding milestones for baby. To see more milestones and videos visit our 4 to 6 months age page. As always, all of our content is … Continued

0 to 3 Month Baby Communication Milestones to Look For

See the 6 different communication milestones baby should be reaching by 3 months. Each milestone has a clip so you can see and hear the different communication milestones for baby. See more milestones, videos, and tips for your 0-3 month old. As always, all of our content is validated with American Academy of Pediatrics findings … Continued

7 to 9 Month Communication Milestones to Look For

See the 8 different communication milestones baby should be reaching by 9 months old. Each milestone has a clip so you can see and hear the different communication milestones for baby. Here are the communication milestones your baby should be reaching by 9 months old: Uses increased variety of sounds and syllable combinations in babbling … Continued

7 to 9 Month Baby Motor Milestones to Look For

See the 9 different motor milestones baby should be reaching by 9 months old. There is a clip that goes along with each milestone so you can see the different motor milestones for baby. As always, our content is validated with American Academy of Pediatrics findings and reviewed by pediatric therapists. My 9 months, baby … Continued

4-6 Month Baby Communication Milestones to Look For

See the 6 different communication milestones baby should be reaching by 6 months. Each milestone has a clip so you can see and hear the different communication milestones for baby. See more milestones and videos for 4-6 months old. As always, all of our content is validated with American Academy of Pediatrics findings and reviewed … Continued

10 to 12 Month Motor Milestones to Look For

See the 8 different motor milestones baby should be reaching by 12 months old. There is a clip of each milestone so you can see the different motor milestones for baby. To see more milestones and videos visit our 10-12 month page. As always, our content is validated with American Academy of Pediatrics findings and … Continued

10 to 12 Month Baby Feeding Milestones to Look For

See the 6 different feeding milestones baby should be reaching by 12 months old. There is a clip that goes along with each milestone so you can see the different feeding milestones for baby. To see more milestones and videos visit our 10 to 12 months age page. As always, our content is validated with … Continued