Related abilities
Notices and responds to sounds
Is not upset with everyday sounds
Turns head toward sounds
Enjoys playing with toys of varied textures (4-6 months)
Enjoys musical toys
Enjoys bath time (4-6 months)
Enjoys playing with toys of varied textures (7-9 months)
Enjoys playing with musical toys (7-9 months)
Enjoys bath time (7-9 months)
Is not fearful of everyday sounds (7-9 months)
Enjoys playing with toys of varied textures (10-12 months)
Enjoys playing and banging musical toys
Usually enjoys bath time (10-12 months)
Can usually participate in dressing without becoming upset (10-12 months)
Has grown accustomed to everyday sounds and is usually not startled by them (10-12 months)
Is able to enjoy a wide variety of touch, noise, and smells (10-12 months)
Usually enjoys bath time (13-18 months)