Watch two babies in eight different positions to compare their motor movements. The side by side clips allow you to see the differences in movements between the two infants. One baby is developing typically and the other atypically. Notice the differences in motor movements and compare to your child to ensure they are on the right track.

“The first thing I want to say is thank you so much for your valuable information that you post. One of your YouTube videos saved my son’s life, he was my first baby and I couldn’t tell that he has atypical movement if I didn’t see your video. At that time my son was 6 months old and was not moving as he should. I visited so many doctors to evaluate my son’s situation, until I found out that my son needed physical therapy. Long story short.. my son is now 2 years old and he is playing and moving just like any toddler his age.”
-Randa, parent

2 Month Typical and Atypical Development

See All of Baby's 0-3 Month Milestones

4 Month Typical and Atypical Development

See All of Baby's 4-6 Month Milestones

6 Month Typical and Atypical Development

See All of Baby's 4-6 Month Milestones

For more information on baby’s physical development and signs to watch for in their motor development, view our Assure brochure.

View All Our Child Development Videos
