0-3 Months Overview
What’s Happening at 0-3 Months?
Tummy Time Begins!
It’s time for baby to work those abs! Tummy Time can start as soon as your little one comes home from the hospital.
Baby Massage Helps with Bonding and Development
Bonding is important in these early stages, because baby doesn’t know how to self-calm yet. We have an amazing bonding activity that will also help in many areas of baby’s development.
Baby Will Be Sleeping A Lot—Here’s How to Keep them Safe
Keep baby safe while they sleep by always putting baby on their back.
Use our checklists to track your baby’s behavior and discuss any concerns with your healthcare professional.
"You think you're an expert after your first baby, but I just had my second two weeks ago and wish I knew about Pathways.org with my first. It's crazy how the small things I do now can really impact him developmentally in the future!"