Tummy Time

Tummy Time with Dad

Tummy Time is one of Baby's first exercises—and the most important! Tummy Time is when Baby spends supervised periods on their stomach while awake (also known as prone position).

Why Tummy Time is Essential for Baby's Development

Tummy Time is essential for developing the muscles Baby needs to reach motor milestones, including rolling, sitting, and crawling. Starting Tummy Time shortly after birth and continuing it regularly throughout the first year supports healthy growth and development.

Baby Tummy Time Benefits

Engaging Baby in Tummy Time offers many developmental benefits, such as:

  • Muscle Development: Strengthens the neck, shoulder, back, and core muscles, preparing Baby for Tummy Time milestones such as tilting their head to both sides, rolling over, and sitting up.

  • Prevention of Positional Conditions: Reduces the risk of positional plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome) and positional torticollis (tight neck muscles), conditions that can be caused by too much time spent lying on the back.

  • Sensory and Visual Development: Encourages sensory exploration and enhances visual tracking skills as Baby learns to move their head and observe their environment.

How to Do Tummy Time

Here are some ways to integrate Tummy Time into Baby's routine:

  • Start Early: Introduce Tummy Time as soon as Baby comes home from the hospital, beginning with short sessions of 2-5 minutes, a few times daily. Gradually work up to at least 15-30 minutes of Tummy Time per day by 2 months old.

  • Create a Safe Environment: Lay Baby on a clean, firm surface, such as a blanket on the floor. Always supervise Baby during Tummy Time to ensure safety.

  • Engage and Encourage: Interact with Baby by talking, singing, or placing toys within reach to make Tummy Time enjoyable and stimulating.

As Baby progresses, you can explore different Tummy Time positions and activities to further support their development. Discover more information and Tummy Time exercises for babies in our resources below!

Tummy Time Basics

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