7 to 9 Month Communication Milestones to Look For

See the 8 different communication milestones baby should be reaching by 9 months old. Each milestone has a clip so you can see and hear the different communication milestones for baby.
Here are the communication milestones your baby should be reaching by 9 months old:
Uses increased variety of sounds and syllable combinations in babbling
Looks at familiar objects and people when named
Recognizes sound of their name
Participates in two-way communication
Follows some routine commands when paired with gestures
Shows recognition of commonly used words
Simple gestures, e.g. shaking head for “no”
Imitates sounds
As always, all of our milestones are validated with American Academy of Pediatrics findings and reviewed by pediatric therapists.
Use our resources to track baby’s milestones and help identify potential early communication delays. If you notice your baby is not meeting their 7-9 month communication milestones, contact their health care provider.