Indoor Baby Activities for When You're Stuck Inside

Got bad air quality outside? Or is it just too hot or cold to play with baby outside today? There are always days when it is better to keep baby inside. Here are some activities (created with expert pediatric physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech language pathologists) that were designed to be played indoors and help baby reach their milestones!
Looking for more activities than the ones below? Find over 130 games for children of all ages on our 130+ Fun Activities for Kids to do at Home blog post.
0-3 Months
Face Feelings: Grab a stuffed animal and talk to it. Touch its face. Name each part (nose, ears) you touch. Let baby feel the stuffed animal’s face and yours. Name what they touch. Then help them touch their own ears, mouth, etc., while you name each part. Helps baby develop sense of touch.
Mirrors All Around: Take baby around the house. Share your reflection in each mirror. Point to your eyes, ask if they see them, then ask if they see their eyes, and point them out, “Here are your eyes!” Helps encourage baby to identify themselves and helps with emotional development.
4-6 Months
Elevator Fun: Pretend baby is riding in an elevator. Lie on your back and hold baby steady with your hands. Slowly push them up in the air. Say “Ding!” once you get to the top. Then lower baby back own and “Ding!” again when they reach the ground. Helps baby build strength with Tummy Time.
Smooth Tummy Ride: Place baby tummy down on a thick towel and grasp the corners. Slowly circle around the room, basing your movement on baby’s level of comfort. Do this activity on a soft surface, like carpet, free of toys and household items. (Make sure they can hold their head up.) Helps baby improve neck and head control and strengthens back, shoulder muscles and core.
7-9 Months
Baby in the Middle: Put baby’s favorite toys on the floor in a large circle. Place them in the middle – tummy down. Watch them reach and move around to play with toys. Helps baby develop a strong core and learn to coordinate multiple movements at once.
Bucket O’Toys: Fill up a bucket with toys of different sizes, textures, and colors. Ensure that none are small enough to be swallowed if baby decides to explore them with their mouth. Allow baby to explore the toys with all of their senses. *Be sure none of the toys are small enough to be swallowed. Helps baby develop sensory skills.
10-12 Months
Train to Crawl: Create a tunnel with your legs and encourage baby to crawl through. “Catch” them by squeezing your legs together as they pass through. After getting caught a few times, they’ll speed up to try to get through. Helps baby develop gross motor skills.
Obstacle Crawls: Try to encourage baby to crawl over, under, and through various objects at home. Take empty boxes, remove tops and bottoms, and tape them to make a long tunnel. Be sure to be at baby’s side so he doesn’t get hurt. Helps baby better understand space around them.
13-18 Months
Pudding/Yogurt Painting: Instead of using regular paint, swap it out with pudding or yogurt. Let your toddler draw with these foods on a paper plate. This way, there’s no concern with your little one putting their fingers in their mouth. Helps baby build fine motor skills and sense of touch.
Flower Float: Put water in a wide, shallow container. Float flowers in the water. Point to each of the flowers and say what color it is. Then tell baby to point to a flower and ask them to pick it up. Helps baby develop language to learn about different colors and promotes sensory play.