Communication Development Activities for 7-9 Month Old Babies

Are there communication games or activities that you can play with a 7-9 month old to help develop their communication skills? Yes! Check out these fun communication activities to help with 7-9 month old communication skills.
At 7-9 months, you will see baby producing various sounds and recognizing their name.
Use these tips to help develop baby’s skills:
Model new sound combinations, e.g. da da da
Cover a toy with a blanket and have baby “find” it
Sing songs with finger/hand gestures, e.g. itsy bitsy spider
Did you know baby is now copying gestures? So, try introducing baby sign language.
Want to see more communication games for babies? Check out these videos!
Communication Activities for 0-3 Months
Communication Activities for 4-6 Months
Communication Activities for 10-12 Months
To learn more about language and speech development by age, visit our Communication page. This page dives into topics like how babies communicate, expressive and receptive language skills by age, and communication and language activities for babies.