Importance of Sensory Integration

Learn about the importance of sensory integration. Watch this quick explanation of sensory integration and how it might apply to your child.
Understanding the Senses: Do You Know There Are More Than 5?
Watch this video for an understanding of sensory integration and how it helps with everyday life. Learn about the 7 senses, how we use sensory information, and signs of possible sensory integration issues. Most people know about five of our senses but there are two other senses to know about.
Vestibular – sense of balance and movement
This sense helps us move our body without falling so we can walk, ride a bicycle, or sit correctly at a desk. It also lets you know you are moving very fast on a roller coaster, even if your eyes are closed.
Proprioception – body position sense
This sense gives you information about the position of your body parts without having to look at them. It helps you walk up stairs without looking down at your feet. It also tells you how much force to use when picking up and cracking open an egg.
Putting together information from all of these senses allows us to participate in everyday activities.
By integrating, or combining all the information we get from our senses, we can ‘make sense’ of the world around us and successfully move through and interact in our world.
If you think your child may have a sensory processing disorder, ask your pediatrician to refer your child to an occupational therapist for a sensory integration evaluation. The sooner the better!