Important Motor Milestones: Baby’s First Year (Part 2)

How do baby’s motor skills develop over their first year? Here are a few of baby’s motor milestones from 0-12 months, validated by American Academy of Pediatrics Findings.
0-3 Months
Baby moves legs and arms off of surface when excited7-9 Months: Baby moves from tummy or back into sitting
4-6 Months
While standing with support, baby accepts entire weight with legs
They will reach for nearby toys while on tummy
While lying on back, baby reaches both hands to play with feet and transfers toys from one hand to the other
7-9 Months
They will pick up their head and push through their elbows during Tummy Time
Baby turns their head to visually track objects while sitting and shows more control while rolling and sitting
They will pick up small objects with thumbs and fingers 7-9 Months: In simple play, baby imitates others
10-12 Months
Baby pulls to stand and cruises along furniture
They will move in and out of various positions to explore environment and get desired toys
Baby will clap their hands and release objects into a container with a large opening
Check out for the complete list of milestones per age!