How Moms and Dads Read Differently to Baby

When should you start reading to baby?
Simple answer: It’s never too early to start. Read to your baby every day at any age to help their communication development, even if they aren’t talking yet.
Why should parents read to their babies?
So many reasons! Some of the benefits of reading to babies include helping associate words with images, expanding their vocabulary, and promoting creativity. Even using a board book or one with different textures helps their sensory development!
So when you read with baby, take note of how you read to them. Research shows that men and women read differently, but both are beneficial and important for children to experience. Women will ask more concrete questions, while men typically ask questions that promote imagination and creativity.
Read to your baby every day!
Even if it’s just a few minutes, it will have a positive impact on their communication development.
To learn more about baby’s communication development, visit our communication page.