Parents’ Guide to Baby’s Sense of Smell

Smell is one of baby’s strongest senses—and begins developing before they’re born!
As an infant, a strong sense of smell helps with the development of the other senses. Smell also helps baby learn about people and places—they may recognize you by your scent!
Learn more about baby’s sense of smell is our blog post, Why Baby’s Sense of Smell is Important.
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Did you know your baby can smell? Smell is one of baby’s strongest senses when they’re born. It help promote the development of other senses as well. Smell can even strengthen baby’s taste buds!
Smell also helps baby learn about people and places. It’s one of the ways baby recognizes you, so try using the same shampoo and deodorant.
Different scents can help calm baby. You can try using calming scents like lavender or vanilla.
Help move baby’s sense of smell along!