Related abilities
Is able to play in new social situations
Is able to play in social situations after a transition time (19-24 months)
Is able to play in social situations after a transition time (2-3 years)
Is interested in, aware, and able to maintain eye contact with others (19-24 months)
Is interested in, aware, and able to maintain eye contact with others (2-3 years)
Is interested in, aware, and able to maintain eye contact with others (4-6 years)
Maintains eye contact with people during playful interaction (7-9 months)
Maintains eye contact with people during playful interactions (10-12 months)
Maintains eye contact with people during playful interactions (13-18 months)
Maintains eye contact with familiar people during playful interaction
Turns head in response to name being called (10-12 months)
Turns head in response to name being called (13-18 months)
Turns head in response to name being called (19-24 months)
Turns head in response to name being called (2-3 years)
Turns head in response to name being called (4-6 years)
Turns head toward sounds
Claps hand together in response to social play