Parents’ Guide to Encouraging Using Utensils

Read along with the video below!
Is baby ready to start using utensils? By about 1 year baby should be able to finger feed themselves. This is an important fine motor skill and it also means baby is ready for utensils!
Start with spoons! After they’ve mastered the spoon, try a fork next. You may need to poke the food for them at first to show them what to do.
Utensil Tips:
Make sure utensils are lightweight and do not have any sharp edges – soft, reusable plastic utensils can work well!
Avoid knives for now – baby’s food should be small and soft enough that it doesn’t need to be cut
Expect a mess! It’s okay and part of the learning process. Mealtime will be messier and longer while baby gets the hang of using utensils.