Tummy Time Abilities at 3 Months


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How do you know baby is making progress during Tummy Time at 3 months?

Use these abilities to ensure baby is continuing to develop though Tummy Time.

Tummy Time abilities at 3 Months:

  • Begins to put weight on arms, but elbows are behind their shoulders (at a 45 degree angle)

  • Gains head control and is able to lift head between 45 to 90 degrees, without tilting head to either side

  • Spends a total of 1 hour each day in Tummy Time (in spurts)

  • Starts to visually track toys or rattles you move around during Tummy Time

A few infant Tummy Time tips:

  • Place baby tummy down on an exercise ball holding their sides for support. Slowly move the ball towards and away from you allowing baby to lift and hold their head easier.

  • Make Tummy Time fun by singing songs to calm them and use rattles, toys, and mirrors to encourage visual tracking.

  • Baby should be continuing to spend longer amounts of time on their tummy.

  • Don’t get discouraged. Every bit of Tummy Time makes a difference.

Want to see Tummy Time abilities by month? Check out these videos!

Tummy Time at 2 weeks

Tummy Time at 1 month

Tummy Time at 2 months

Tummy Time at 4 months

Tummy Time at 5 months

Tummy Time at 6 months

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