What to Know About Sleep Regression

Sleep regression happens when a baby who once had a good sleep pattern reverts back to having frequent wake-ups, crying during the night, or has difficulty falling asleep. This is more than just a night or two of bad sleep. It’s a period of time when these sleep issues happen consistently, following a period of baby having a more typical sleep pattern.
The most common sleep regression period is 4 months, but it can happen several times throughout the first two years. Other common stages where sleep regression may occur are 8 months, 12 months, and 18 months, but it can vary. It’s very common, and it doesn’t mean anything is wrong.
Some reasons baby may go through sleep regression include developing motor skills, teething, or growth spurts. Some things that may help if baby is going through sleep regression include:
Helping baby learn how to self-soothe
Make sure baby is getting enough to eat
Follow a sleep schedule as best you can
Be patient
Don’t be afraid to ask for help