Why is Tummy Time so Important?


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Tummy Time is so important for baby’s development, and it provides so many benefits!

Some of the benefits of doing Tummy Time regularly include:

  • Helps prevent some common developmental delays like positional torticollis and positional plagiocephaly (flat head)

  • Strengthens developing muscles

  • Helps meet important motor, sensory, and feeding milestones

By 3 months of age, baby should be doing 1 hour of Tummy Time a day, in spurts. Need help tracking this? Our free Mobile App offers a Tummy Timer to make sure baby is meeting this goal.

There are also different abilities at each month to watch out for during Tummy Time to monitor how baby is progressing. These include:

  • 1 Month: Baby should be turning their head

  • 2 Months: Baby should be spending one-minute during Tummy Time several times a day without becoming upset

  • 3 Months: Baby begins visually tracking toys as you move them around

  • 4 Months: Baby pushes up on forearms, bringing their chest off the floor

  • 5 Months: Baby pushes up on hands with straight elbows

  • 6 Months: Baby reaches for toys of different sizes

What is the Best Way to Track Baby Milestones on My Phone? Our App!

Use the FREE Pathways.org Baby Milestones app to track your little one's progress! Download the app and enter Baby's birthdate to see all the milestones and track their progress. You can watch videos of each milestone to be sure Baby has met it!