It’s never too early to start helping your child reach their sensory and communication milestones. Check out these simple and enjoyable activities you can try with your baby to help develop their skills!

  • Beep Baby – Tap different parts of your baby’s body and name them. Say “beep!” with each new body part. Smile at your baby as you touch, talk, and beep at them. This activity supports your baby’s communication and sensory development.
  • Side Chats – Lay your baby on their back and talk to them from their left and right sides. Start on one side, wait for them to find your face, and continue talking to keep them engaged as you slowly move to the other side. Even if your baby can’t turn their head to face you yet, staying within their vision helps them focus on you. As they get older, they’ll begin to turn their head.
  • Face to Face – This game allows you to talk and smile at your baby while giving them a chance to be close to your face. Lie down on your couch, propped up by pillows, and place your baby tummy down on your chest. Encourage them to lift their head by talking to them. Your baby will enjoy listening and engaging with you while also working on Tummy Time!

Talking to your baby during playtime helps them develop essential hearing and listening skills, so try these activities today!