Related abilities

Enjoys various types of movement, such as being gently swung

Is able to lift head forward when being pulled to sitting, from lying on back

Is able to pick up head and push through elbows during Tummy Time

Keeps head forward when being pulled to sitting from lying on back (7-9 months)

Is able to turn head to visually follow moving toys and people (7-9 months)

Enjoys various types of movement, such as being gently swung in the air by parents (10-12 months)

Keeps head forward when being pulled to sitting from lying on back (10-12 months)

Is able to throw balls and maintain balance (10-12 months)

Is not fearful of tipping head back when moving from sitting to lying on back

Enjoys being swung and gently thrown in air (13-18 months)

Enjoys swinging on playground swings (13-18 months)

Claps hand together in response to social play

Is able to turn head to look at objects without losing balance while standing

Uses hands to help move from one position to another (13-18 months)

Is able to throw balls without losing balance (13-18 months)

Is able to tip head back when moving from sitting to back

Is able to take steps toward motivating item

Enjoys swinging on playground swings (19-24 months)

Enjoys being swung and gently thrown in air (19-24 months)

Coordinates movements needed to play and explore (19-24 months)

Can maintain balance to catch ball or when gently bumped by peers (19-24 months)

Is able to throw and attempt to catch ball without losing balance (19-24 months)

Is not fearful of tipping head back when moving from sitting to back

Maintains balance while sitting and using two hands together to explore toys