
· Your donation helps to create and share FREE resources to support baby development worldwide.
· With more than 40 million uses every year, has a huge impact on babies worldwide that is only possible with your support.
· Donate today!

Maybe you are a parent to a baby, and you found because you wanted an accurate and trusted way to track your baby’s milestones. Maybe you’re a pediatric healthcare provider, and you found one of our expert-approved courses or brochures, or want to learn more about early detection and intervention. Or you may have come across our FREE app, to find activities for the little one in your life.

No matter what your role is in baby’s life, you’ve come to to find answers, encouragement, and materials that you can trust. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, every donation goes toward creating and sharing FREE resources to support baby development and detect delays early. In fact, it’s only your donations that make any of this possible.

Donate to to help keep our materials FREE

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Your donations have helped us to:

  • Share FREE resources that are used more than 40 million times every year. From hospitals and clinics, to educational institutions, to homes with young children, our materials are shared far and wide to help as many babies as possible every year.
  • Create a FREE, award-winning Baby Milestones App that has been downloaded more than 80,000 times. With a perfect 5-star rating, parents and healthcare providers love our free app! Just hear what this parent had to say: “This app is great for tracking infant development, as well as providing activities to help work on these skills. There are even videos to watch to be sure you are doing them right! Easy to use and very straightforward. Highly recommend for every parent!”
  • Produce more than 300 videos that have been viewed more than 38 million times. When parents and healthcare providers want to know what to look for to detect developmental delays early, it’s best to show them! That’s why our videos are so helpful for parents, so they know what to look for as baby reaches their milestones, or how to play games with them to support their development.
  • Spread educational information around the world in more than 25 languages. Our app is available in English and Spanish, and other materials, such as our brochures and checklists, are available in more than 25 languages and shared with organizations around the world.
  • Collaborate with more than 100 expert healthcare professionals to provide accurate and trustworthy materials. We promise to always bring you materials you can trust. From our videos, to our blogs, to our weekly baby activities, everything you find on has been reviewed and approved by an expert healthcare provider.

Why do FREE resources matter?

Helping baby’s development at a young age takes full advantage of neuroplasticity. In the early months of life, baby makes 1 million neural connections every second—that’s more development than in any other period of life! That’s why early detection matters. Supporting baby’s brain growth in the first year sets the foundation for the rest of their life.

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Baby’s brain will double in size in the first year, and grow 80% in the first three years. So tracking baby’s milestones and talking to a healthcare provider when a delay is detected can change the trajectory of baby’s life for the better.

There are 140 million babies born each year in the world, and our mission doesn’t end until each one has the resources their parents need to track and support their development.

Thank you for your support, and for helping babies around the world with your generosity.

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